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Week 2: September 14-18, 2015

We have the first week of school “under our belts” and we’re ready to launch week #2!  We will continue to work on establishing routines for movement, transitions and learning.  These are key to developing responsible independent learners as a classroom group, hallway group and school community.

ShoesThis week, we kick off our ONE AND ONLY SCHOOL WIDE FUNDRAISER, our ANNUAL WALK•A•THON.  Your donations make it possible for us to support online reading programs, books for the library and classrooms, parent/child events, at-risk families in need of clothing items and food, support for our classroom teachers (materials/supplies) and much more.

Please read/watch this slide show to learn about the event and of course, PLEASE DONATE.  Your money makes a tremendous difference in how we can support learning and family activities.  On Friday, your child (oldest child if more than one child at Georgetown) brought home a yellow flyer about the WALK•A•THON.  This flyer is also available here: GeorgetownWalkathonStudentLetter2015

During the upcoming school week we will also be talking about the GEORGETOWN mission: Be NICEbe nice.  Being NICE begins with understanding how to listen, how to respond and how to have empathy and understanding for all.  It also involves taking care of others.  If you see or hear someone who is not being nice to another, how do you respond?  Who do you get for help?  What do you do if someone is not nice to you? This is the beginning of a year-long conversation about the need to be mindful of the words we use when we are talking with others and how to know when someone is using words or actions that are not helpful or that can be hurtful.  More will be shared about this focus later this week.

Finally, we will begin our drill practices this week:  Tornado, Fire, Lockdown.  I walk the students and teachers through each of these — explaining the importance of practice and being prepared.  I am careful not to create a heightened anxiety level by framing our work around drills as a normal routine that we do to keep everyone safe.

These are a few highlights of our week from a school wide level.  Visit your child’s class blog to find out the many other learning events taking place at the classroom level.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Reagan


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