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Week 5: Sept 25-29, 2017

Fall arrived on Friday along with record breaking temperatures.   The heat didn’t keep us from having a fabulous SUPER HERO WALK•A•THON.  Thanks to Amanda Impens (our chair for 5 years) and several parent volunteers, our super heroes participated in challenges and took breaks in the shade when needed.  The treasurers (Jody Hunt, Karen Mead Jenn Mazarka) will be counting money this week with top winners and flashlight distribution next week.

If you have not yet turned your money in, please do this on Monday.  Enjoy the photos of this fabulous event above.  Many thanks to our team of student photographers who passed the camera along the walking path and captured excellent candid moments!

For those of you visiting ART PRIZE, remember to look for the Hudsonville Public Schools art student entry, ONLY ONE YOU.    MLIVE featured an article about the exhibit this week.  Each of our students have a painted fish rock that is part of this art prize entry.  After Art Prize, the rocks will be returned to Georgetown for a school installation.

A snapshot of our week is below.  Monday – Wednesday will be focused on staying cool while learning.  Remember… EAGLE PRIDE day on FRIDAY.  Dress your child in Eagle colors (maize and blue).  We want to be super fans when the HHS SUPER FANS visit our school on Friday at 10:30 am.

Here’s to a great week!

Mrs. Reagan


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