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Week 4: September 17-21, 2018

Can you believe we are starting our fourth week of school?  This will also be our first FULL week with 5 school days.   We’re ready!

We had a gorgeous week of weather last week.  We took advantage with outdoor movement breaks and recess. It was also the perfect week for us to complete our first set of practice drills:  Tornado (9/12), Fire (9/13) and Lockdown (9/14).

We know that these practices can raise anxiety for our students — so we practice with intention and with care.  Each teacher explained the drill type before each practice.  Over the school loud speaker, I explain the expectations for behavior and then we run each drill.    During the school year, we will practice for fire 8 times, tornado 2 times and lockdown three times.

Below is a snapshot of our week ahead.  Monday is Constitution Day — and each teacher will honor this day with a lesson.  We have our first PTC meeting on Thursday, September 20 at 6:30 pm in our school library.  Main topic for our PTC Meeting: Preparations for our big school fundraiser which is the Oct. 5 80’s Themed Walkathon!  More details coming soon.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!

Mrs. Reagan

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