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Chapstick Donations = 1300


Many thanks to everyone who made Happy Bainbridge and Alaina Dupuy’s chapstick service project a great success.  They managed to collect  1300 chapsticks for children at DeVos Children’s Hospital. First and fourth grades won the contest, bringing in a total of 366 chapsticks.

Happy and Alaina will be delivering the chapsticks later this week.  I am sure they will be put to use immediately, bringing comfort to the young patients in surgery and in recovery.

Thank you for helping with this great project.  It not only helps the children at DeVos but also assisted the girls with receiving their Bronze Girl Scout badge.

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Chapsticks for DeVos Children’s Hospital

Happy Bainbridge and Alaina DePuys have kicked off a special service project that benefits children at DeVos Children’schapstickHospital. This project helps them to earn their Bronze Award for Girl Scouts and also supports special children in our community.  Learn more about this by watching their announcement.

Collection days are October 21, October 29 and November 5.

The team that brings in the most scented chapsticks wins an extra recess.

TEAM 1:  Grades K and 5

TEAM 2:  Grade 1 and 4

TEAM 3:  Grade 2 and 3