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Settling into Routines

Week 8
Week 8

Now that we are into the 8th Week of school, our routines for learning and playing are well established.   In addition, the MEAP TESTS (grades 3-5) are completed which brings a huge sigh of relief for those who have been attached to their #2 pencils for days.

As we work through the month of October and into November, you will be hearing more from your classroom teachers about the following projects:  BE NICE FEEL SAFE at Georgetown (Bully Prevention) and MINDFUL GIVING:  PE CARES + ALL FOR BOOKS Competition.

BE NICE • FEEL SAFE:  As a staff, we use the OLWEUS Program as a foundation for building a school climate that is safe and one that also holds those accountable for poor choices.  We survey our students about the school climate and use these results to guide us in our class discussion.    Class meetings in the next few weeks will identify horse play, rough play and other behaviors that can get aggressive and lead to bullying.   Everyone plays a role in preventing aggressive behavior — and we will talk about important roles people can assume.  A great resource defining these roles can be found on the site.

MINDFUL GIVING:  PE CARES  Our PE teachers will be asking for food donations for our local food pantry.  Class who donates the most canned/dried food wins a class tript to Hudsonville Bowling Lanes.More information about this will come home soon.

michiganMINDFUL GIVING:  BOOKS FOR ALL  To help raise money for BOOKS for ALL for stateour Nov 4-7 BOOK FAIR, we will hold a MSU/UofM Coin War.  More details coming soon on this.  Hint:  If MSU fans bring in more coins, Mr. Kooiker will wear MSU colors on Wednesday, Oct 30.  If UofM fans bring in more coins, Mr. Bowen will wear UofM colors on Wednesday, Oct 30.

Watch for more details about all of these events through the school blog and class blogs in October and November.

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Mrs. Reagan