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PTC Minutes January Meeting

Meeting Minutes Georgetown Elementary Jan 9, 2014

Nancy Patrick
Shannon Klein
Krista Lawrence
Cheryl Havens
Theresa Reagan
Amanda Impens
Melissa Heys
Renee Burget

Budget Overview:
*Budget is looking good.  Papergator and Meijer perks are both half way to the goal.
*We will not be doing the coin war again this year.
*Amazon gift cards were given to teachers at the holiday breakfast.
*Gym teachers used their budgeted money to buy new equipment.

Principal Report:
*Everything is running very well at school
*The school has not received the MEAP results yet.
*Dates are getting set for school open house 2014 and the school is getting ready for kindergarten enrollment–February 27 is the K Round Up.

Upcoming Events:
*Marco’s pizza night Jan. 15th
*Mother/Daughter Event-  Amanda Impens is chairperson.  Theresa will send out an email to poll moms to see what activity they would like.
*Father/Son event- John Lawrence is the chairperson.  Same thing will be done with a poll of activities for the event.
*Spring book fair- Jody Hunt is chairperson for this event.  There will be a Monday morning setup.  Theresa will send an email out for volunteers as time gets closer.  There is $4,710.00 in Scholastic dollars.  Looking at using these funds for series books for 2nd and 3rd classes and nonfiction books.
*Teacher appreciation week- This will be May 5th-9th.
*Spring carnival – This will take place May 23rd
*Box tops- Box tops need to be handed into school by Feb. 14th.

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PTC November Meeting

We held our November PTC meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the library.

The minutes from the meeting can be read here: PTCMinutesNov2013

Many, many thanks to everyone who supports all the events that we hold throughout the year.

The next big and hugely popular event is SANTA’S SECRET SHOP also called the HOLIDAY GIFT SHOP. This is run by volunteers (parents) who help children shop for important members of their family.  Please watch the blog for volunteer opportunities.

To find out more about our PTC, visit the page above (PARENT CLUB) to see learn about the board members and all that our PTC does for the school each year.

Future meetings:

Screen Shot 2013-11-13 at 7.30.09 PM


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Hello Georgetown Families!

Please read the following information from the PTC:

May 4, 2010 ~ Media Room – 7:00 p.m.

Board Members Present:  Kristi Fellows, Jamie Ham, Cindy Roerig, Krista Lawrence, Brenda Zuverink, Carrie Clark-Berry Attendees:  6

The meeting was opened by Kristi.  Staci Nieboer moved to approve the minutes from the last PTC meeting, with Angel Truman seconding.

TEACHER REPORT – MRS. BURDIS: The scores from recent testing that the 3rd through 5th graders completed have been received, and the students performed well.  It’s a very busy time of year at the school, so parents are urged to check the school blog and the teacher blogs regularly to keep up to date on all the activities coming up.  Class placement for next year is beginning, and the teachers thank all the parents who returned their child surveys to help in this process.  There’s only 3 weeks of school left!

REVIEW OF BUDGET – BRENDA ZUVERINK : The budget was reviewed, and no major changes are noted.  After a question at the last meeting about the amount of funds we keep in our account, a few other schools were contacted to see what their Treasurers’ policies are.  At this time Georgetown’s balance is lower than most but is an acceptable balance.

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK – MICHELLE WIERINGA: A fabulous Hollywood movie themed week is underway for our wonderful Georgetown teachers.  All the teachers are enjoying being spoiled this week with some wonderful lunches, a few gifts, as well as all the amazing superstar posters that are hanging throughout the school.  Thanks to Amanda Troyer for such a wonderful job on the posters turning all our teachers into a superstar or superhero!

READING COUNTS – ANGIE ROON: The Reading Counts end-of-year party will be held on June 4 with a Blast to the Past theme.  The 2nd and 3rd graders will celebrate in the morning and 4th and 5th graders will celebrate in the afternoon.  Some volunteers are still needed to help for this event.  Please contact Angie Roon at if you are able to help out.

SPRING CARNIVAL – KRISTI FELLOWS: Our annual Spring Carnival will be held on Saturday, May 15 from 11-2.  If you didn’t pre-purchase your wristbands, you can still purchase wristbands the day of the event for $15 each.  There will be lots of fun games, food, and auctions/raffles.  A few more volunteers are needed, so contact Susie Coxen at as soon as possible if you’re able to help with this event.

2010-2011 PTC BOARD MEMBERS: Krista Lawrence moved to approve and Michelle Wieringa seconded the approval of the PTC Board for the 2010-2011 school year.  The new Board will be:

President – Jamie Ham                                     Co-President – Cindy Roerig

Vice President – Nancy Patrick                         Secretary – Amanda Troyer

Treasurer – Brenda Zuverink                            Co-Treasurer – Staci Nieboer

Thank you to everyone listed above for taking the time and interest to serve in these very important roles.

OPEN CHAIR POSITIONS FOR THE 2010-2011 SCHOOL YEAR: The following activities are in need of a chairperson or    co-chairpeople for next year.  If you would be interested in chairing or helping to chair any of these activities, please contact Jamie Ham at  We need your help to keep these activities going at Georgetown!

Walk-A-Thon Chairperson and Co-Chair                                       Book Fair Chairperson and Co-Chair

Popcorn Chairperson                                                                         Box Tops/Soup Labels Chairperson

Hospitality Chairperson                                                                     Kindergarten Helpers Chairperson

SCRIP Chairperson and Co-Chair                                                  Copy Room Chairperson

Holiday Gift Shop Co-Chair                                                               Reading Counts Co-Chair

Art and Environment Chairperson (Organizing a schedule for volunteers to help hand artwork throughout the school year)

If you have any further questions on the duties and responsibilities for any of these positions please contact Jamie Ham or any other PTC Board member and we’ll get you the information you need.


Parent Meeting for 5th Grade Camp- May 11 at 6:00                       Spring Carnival – Saturday, May 15

Marco’s Pizza Night – Wednesday, May 19                                      Just Write Celebration Week – May 24-28
Carrie Clark-Berry
PTC Secretary