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Holiday Program…Final Thoughts!

Many thanks once again to all the people who made our 2009 Holiday Program so very successful.  The thank you list includes the music staff at Georgetown (Mrs. Bretz, Ms. Whitenight, Ms. McCulloch).  In addition, the teachers who supported the students through the long rehearsals, and the staff that worked the evening of the program to ensure that all students were supervised and calm.  Resurrection Life Church was a perfect venue for our school this year–providing ample parking, seating, and stage setting.  This enables us to hold one program with all students which is much more family friendly, as well.  

Our school has reached a student enrollment size (574 students) that dictates the venue we must utilize for our holiday program.  Some have asked why we did not rent Fellowship Reformed this year, and this was addressed in our May 2008, September 2008 and October 2008 newsletters.  In addition, Mrs. Bretz addressed this on her blog and in the Q&A posting in her news update.   Fellowship Reformed is a beautiful location and worked so well with our school this past two years with regards to running two programs and accommodating hundreds of parents and special guests.  However, the size of our crowd created hazards in the parking lot and in the basement classrooms–sheer volume of pick up and drop off.  The move to Resurrection Life was made to ensure a safe and successful holiday program that students, family and friends could enjoy.  If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact me.  Mrs. Reagan

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