If you take a walk through our building, you will hear lots of coughing and sneezing…and see children with runny nose and red eyes. The seasonal type viruses have arrived sooner and many of our students and staff have picked up one or more of the viruses already.
To help us keep everyone healthy, please keep your children home until they are FEVER FREE FOR 24 HOURS. This fever free time = fever free with no medication to keep the fever away— a 24 hour period in which the child has not had motrin, advil, tylenol AND they have been fever free during this time. This is key to preventing the spread of these viruses to other children.
Mr. Rob, his custodial staff and the teaching staff at our school are doing all we can to disinfect door knobs, working surfaces, and school utensils. We need your help in keeping your children home if they do not feel well.
Finally, we have had parents contact us to share that their children were diagnosed with the flu. We are monitoring these reports and we continue to urge parents to not send children back too soon. The CDC has helpful answers to common questions regarding the H1N1 virus. For more information, click on the link in the upper right corner of this blog.