We want you to know that we appreciate ALL you did on the home end to help make our first week of school be fabulous! There are 612 students currently enrolled at Georgetown and as a team we mad sure that each child was guided to the correct classroom, playground, lunchroom and special. And, as many of you know from past experience, it is all hands on deck for departure time. We have children who get home by busses and cars and we also have children who go to daycare–and we are focused on doing our best to get every single child to the right spot for their after school care.
We are looking forward to a great second week. We have an outstanding lunch team, led by Mrs. Cheri Stacey. They are working hard to get all 600 children in from recess and through the lunch line in a calm yet timely manner. If your child is coming home without their lunch eaten, please let the teacher know. We have lengthened the lunch time this year to allow every child time to eat–and we have also increased our staff to help with opening containers and packages. We want to make sure that every child gets fed and hydrated at lunch time.
If you have a change in going home plans for your child it is CRITICAL that you notify the teacher with a handwritten note or an email. Do not call the office after 3:00 PM with a going home change. This is a very, very busy time—and it is also very difficult to ensure that teachers can be reached for these last minute changes. All changes in going home procedures must go to the classroom teacher via a note or email at the beginning of each day. Our teachers are busy during the day teaching—and often planning for the next lesson through lunch. Many do not check their email until they get home well after 5 or 6 each evening.
There is nothing more stressful for a child than to be left in the office waiting for a parent to pick them up or unsure of how they were supposed to go home. Please plan ahead and make sure that your child and your child’s teacher always knows in advance of going home changes. ADVANCE equals BEGINNING OF THE DAY.
A snapshot of our week is below. Our first PTC meeting is this coming Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Media Center. Our meetings are one hour and it is a great way to find out about upcoming events and all that the PTC does to support our school. It is open to everyone. I would love to see you there!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Reagan