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Week 34 = 7th Week of Supper Stardom!

This post is dedicated to all of you…. the parents/caregivers who have been superheroes throughout this Stay at Home Order during this scary global pandemic.

Because many of us are also living your live of raising children and teaching our own children, while working and managing the other children and house and devices and absolutely normal chaos that comes with family life, we GET how stressful this has been on all of you.  I have great admiration for parents on social media platforms who capture the insanity of our current lives with few words and a just right image.

Later this week, we will have a special shout out for all of you from us…so until then, enjoy the sunshine this day brings our way.

Before I close, I wanted to let you know that because there are no school events on the calendar, I provide one to help you remember the day of the week below.

Missing all of you,

Mrs. Reagan

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