Happy Beautiful Friday Georgetown Parents!!
NEWS FROM THE OFFICE…….. We have had a wonderful week here at Georgetown. The weather has been amazing and the students are in full spring mode!! Here goes nothing……… we are now down to 24 school days left until summer break!! Please remember……. FIELD TRIPS = SACK LUNCHES and BIKES = NOTES!! The bike riders have been increasing and we just need you to remember that a note needs to be sent to the teacher letting them know that if your child rides his/her bike to school they may ride home. It CAN BE a open ended note until the end of the year, BUT they need one to have on hand otherwise they WILL be put on the bus. This is helpful also for when the teachers have substitutes.
MAY/JUNE LUNCH MENU…….. This is just another reminder that we are so close to the end of the school year. The LAST lunch menu is coming your way!! May-June 2013 Hud Elem-1 Deposit Slip
AN AFRICAN ADVENTURE……. This summer I will be spending three weeks doing research and working in Africa. I will be teaching African children in a school called St. Timothy’s. Education is extremely important in African culture and their needs are very different from our needs in regards to their education. When asked what they needed, they simply stated three basic things: paper (notebooks), pens, and chalk. I would love it so much if I could bring them the supplies that they need for learning. If you would like to help me support this school and these students, there will be a bin outside the office to collect supplies from May 6-17. Shipping costs are also expensive. If you would rather make a donation to help with shipping costs, please send it to school with “Ms. VanderStel – Africa donation” written on the envelope! Any extra amount given beyond the shipping will be used to buy more supplies. Hakuna matata, Ms. VanderStel
5th GRADE NEWS………… Please…..Make sure to keep checking the dates below as we add things occasionally. It is that time of year again to start adding important dates to the calendar for your 5th grader. The time from here until the end of the school year is going to fly by for you……. so hold on tight! Here are some upcoming dates that you will want to keep track of.
IMMUNIZATIONS NEEDED FOR 6TH GRADE…… Please read the attachment in regards to immunizations that are needed for your child to enter 6th grade. OCHD 6th grade imms flyer Jan 2013
May 22-May 24 ~ 5th Grade Camp : )
May 29 ~ 5th Grade Celebration
PTC NEWS……. TEACHER APPRECIATION…….. The Teacher Appreciation Week committee would like to put out one last plea for donations! Thanks!! Items still needed for the Teacher Appreciation breakfast on Monday: Delivered by 7:30am Monday morning (5/6/13): 1 potato dish, 1 crock of oatmeal, 2 dozen muffins (lemon/orange). Please contact Krista Lawrence at jkmklawrence@att.net or 662-2097 if you would like to make a breakfast donation. Also, we are still looking for people to make a home cooked meal for the following teachers and staff: Mrs. Wert (CI Teacher), Mrs. Murphy (ECSE), Mrs. Cooley (ELL), Mrs. VanKovering (PE), Mrs. Bast (Reading), Mrs. Katt (Resource Rm), Mrs. Taber, Mrs. Woodring, Mr. Jurewicz, Mrs. McDonald, Ms. VanArkel, Mr. Kooiker, Mr. Gort, Mrs. Iwema, Mrs. Yankee. Please contact: Wendy Huizigna wendy@huizinga.com (K-1st grade, support staff, specials teachers) OR Lisa Stehouwer trevorcassiejo@att.net (2nd-5th grade) if you would like to make a home cooked meal.
SCHOOL CARNIVAL……. Save the date…… Friday, May 24. More details to come! : )
COMMUNITY NEWS……… AYSO SOCCER SIGNUPS…… please visit our website ayso676.com and pre-register now for the 2013-2014 Season. Then drop off your forms and fees at the Port Sheldon Sports Complex on May 4, 11, or 18th , 10am – 1 pm. We hope to start a VIP (Very Important Players) Program this year that will provide a quality soccer experience for children and adults whose physical or mental disabilities make it difficult to successfully participate on mainstream teams. We need help with this! If you are interested in helping or in having your child participate in the VIP program please email Arenda Van Klompenberg atregistrar@ayso676.com. For all other ayso questions, please see our website – ayso676.com
DOLL TEA PARTY……….. Doll Tea Party – May 4, 1-2:30pm. This fun event for moms (or grandmas or aunts or sisters) and daughters and their dolls is special tea with crafts,activities, American Girl Doll raffle, treats, photo-booth, vendors, and more. Tickets are $6 each and are available at southharbor.org/events/
FREE ELECTRONICS RECYCLING DROP-OFF……… The Hudsonville Venturing Crew 2146 is hosting a free electronics drop-off event at South Blendon Reformed Church, 4817 Port Sheldon, Friday May 10 from 4pm-7pm and Saturday May 11 from 8am-3pm. This event is in cooperation with Michigan electronics recycler Comprenew. All electronics will be either recycled, refurbished or reused. (Computer hard drives will be wiped or destroyed for security). Acceptable items include cell phones, radios, microwaves, VCRs, TVs, computers, printers, power cords, electric power tools, GPS units, telephones, answering machines, speakers, etc. (no light bulbs, air conditioners or large appliances). For a complete list of accepted items go to www.comprenew.org. Please take this opportunity to properly dispose of unwanted, obsolete or non-working electronics.
HUDSONVILLE HIGH SCHOOL REVUE SHOW…… You are cordially invited to attend the Special 30th Anniversary of the Hudsonville High School Revue Show: “Hit Me With Your Best Shot!”. Thursday, May 9 at 7:00 pm & Friday, May 10 at 7:00 pm. *Friday’s show will include a tribute to the Revue Show’s founding teacher, Mr. Dean Nederveld, and a song by former HHS Choir Alumni. This will be a special show-don’t miss it! All shows will be held at Fair Haven Ministires, 2900 Baldwin Street. Tickets may be purchased at the HHS Main Office. Students $7, Adults $10. *Tickets will also be available at the door but please note: Friday, May 10 is expected to sell out. We hope you can join us for this spectacular evening of song and dance!
LEARN TO PLAY BOYS LACROSSE………. Hudsonville Lacrosse coaches and varsity players will teach you the fundamentals of the game. You will need a short boys lacrosse stick, and no other specialized equipment. Who: Boys currently in 3rd to 7th grade from any school district. When: June 11,12 and 13 6-8 pm. Where: Field at north end of Hughes park, next to Hudsonville Schools administration building on Van Buren Street. Cost: $30 plus you purchase your own stick beforehand. Register online at hudslax.com
GIFTS OF APPRECIATION FOR THE HUDSONVILLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION………. Please read the following flyers in regards to the HEF Gifts of Appreciation. This is a great time of year to show your appreciation for a teacher or building that has touched you in some way. Gifts of Appr-Spring-2013 HEF-Spring2013
CAMP INVENTION……….. You are invited to Camp Invention! Camp Invention runs from June 17-21 (9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) at Hudsonville Christian School. You can find a flyer with more information at the office. This program is a week-long adventure in creativity that immerses children entering grades 1-6 in exciting hands on learning disguised as fun activities. This summer, children will become expedition trainees, navigating their way to special treasure filled caches and creating solutions to challenges posed by youth around the world. They will be embarking on a global adventure, uncovering hidden messages from the earth, investigating several extreme natural wonders of the world and building a device to launch international ducks back home. Currently the spring registration special is $15 off the $220 registration plus an extra $5 off for registering online at www.campinvention.org by May 30. Come join us this summer! Last year campers learned a lot while having fun. Contact Sharon Leerar, camp director, with any questions (915-1861 or sleerar@4hcs.org).
CHALLENGE OF CHILDREN…….. Challenge of Children is an annual parenting conference held at Hope College on May 16, 2013 from 9 am to 3 pm. This year our keynote, Dan Seaborn will be sharing on practical ways to build a healthy family. This conference also includes 40+ breakouts with topics such as Discipline 101, Kids Yoga, Parenting with Love and Logic, Living with Food Allergies, Planning for College, Enjoying Your Teenager and Your Child’s Online Footprint. Register online atwww.challengeofchildren.org or call 616-796-1504 for a brochure. Please read the attached flyer for more info and to see the Registration form. Challenge of Children 2013 Flyer (1)
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED……... Still in DESPERATE NEED of host families!! We still need to place 30 students by May 25. Host Families are needed (of any size, age, etc.) to open up their home for 4 or 6 weeks this summer for students ages 12-18 from Spain who are coming to this area to practice their (already good) English. The 4-week program is June 26-July 24, and the students attend activities every Tue/Thu out of Hudsonville. The 6-week program is June 25-August 6, and these students do not attend any activities but only live with the host family. Both programs are flexible and students may go on vacation or to summer camp with you. Students come fully insured and with their own spending money. Host Families are also needed for the school year for public or private high schools. Please contact Mayah Bischoff at mayah.bischoff1@gmail.com or 662-0050 for more information.
MOBILE FOOD DISTRIBUTION……… Saturday, June 1, 2013. Hager Park Church is partnering with Feeding America West Michigan to provide a Mobile Food Distribution on Saturday,June 1st. The food distribution will take place at Hager Park Church’s parking lot, located at 2635 Bauer Road in Jenison, from 10:00 am to Noon. Sign-in is required, although the food is available to anyone that needs it. There will be alarge assortment of food, consisting of fresh seasonal produce and other high quality grocery items.
SCIENCE CAMP FOR ALL AGES……… Hope College offers exciting opportunities for children grades Pre K – 10th to explore the wonderful world of science and more. The programs feature hands-on investigations designed to teach concepts in a FUN yet challenging way. Among the 34 different sessions are opportunities to learn the science behind the adventures of Phineas and Ferb, examine the world of animals, uncover the inquisitive life of a crime scene investigator, and explore and create 2D and 3D art. Click here to view all available sessions, learn more about the program, and to register online. Contact: Science Camp office, 616-395-7628 sciencecamp@hope.edu
HUDSONVILLE ROCKET CHEER………. Is your daughter going into 1st-8th grade next fall and interested in cheering? Hudsonville Rocket Cheerleading will be having their first sign up date on Monday, June 3rd from 6-9pm at the Hudsonville Freshman Campus cafeteria. The cost of registration is $75 and includes an end of year banquet and trophy. An additional uniform cost applies for those that do not have one. Used uniforms will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis. The 1st-6th grade girls will be cheering at the Hudsonville Youth Football games and the 7th & 8th grade girls will be cheering at the Hudsonville Club Football games. Check out the Hudsonville Rocket Cheer Website for more info (www.hudsonvillerocketcheer.
5/4 ~ Mother/Son Baseball Bonanza
5/7 ~ Jet’s Pizza Night
5/7 ~ 4th Gr Field Trip/Frauenthal Theater