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Your Old Stuff Can Be Our New Stuff!

You may have heard that our school budget is squeaky tight…just like many of your home budgets.

Even though it is 2011, we are operating on per student funding for the 2005 school year.  We are doing more with less and spending more of our own money on consumable items like bandaids, hand sanitizer, pencils, pen, post it notes, and kleenex.

If you would ever care to send in consumable items like those listed above, your child’s teacher would probably do somersaults of joy!

We are also in need of a some gently used equipment that would help us immensely with instruction and play.  Please go through your home or your neighbor’s (although I do endorse knocking first) and see if you find any of the following to send our way:

DVD Players:  Ours are burning out.  We are in need of two to help teacher project their videos to the screen or tv.

Tripod:  We are need of two.  We video tape lessons and review these with one another (teachers) and we also share these with students who are home sick for many days.

RECESS BALLS:  Footballs, kick balls, soccer balls, basketballs.  BALLS!  We need balls for our playgrounds so that our children are happy!

Thank you for ANY ITEMS you can donate to help us during these tight times.

Mrs. Reagan (who also loves anything chocolate)