Hello Georgetown Parents:
Well believe it or not this is our last letter from the office for this school year! We just wanted to send you a few reminders for next week.
KINDERGARTEN NOTES…… Just remember that Monday, June 7 is the last day of school for the Monday/Wednesday Kindergartners. Tuesday, June 8 is the last day for the Tuesday/Thursday Kindergartners.
YEARBOOKS…… We have two more copies of the yearbook for sale in the office. They will be sold for $10 a piece and they will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.
MEDS FROM THE OFFICE….. If your student has any medication in the office, either perscription/non-perscription, a parent needs to pick these up from the office. These cannot be sent home with the student. If they are not picked up by next Friday, June 11 they will be discarded!
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL…. Thursday, June 10 is our last day of school and the students will be dismissed at 1:00pm! The students will have lunch before leaving school and hot lunch will be available to order.
LOST AND FOUND…. This will be in the hall by the rotunda. Anything that is not claimed will be donated after Friday, June 11!
Have a terrific summer!
Mrs. Nurenberg : )