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First Week of December


It’s time to wake up from your Thanksgiving nap and pack those lunches, search for the kids’ backpacks and dig through the laundry for matching socks!  December is upon us and we have a very big week ahead!

The annual holiday program featuring the amazing K-5 Georgetown students will be held on Tuesday at FairHaven Church (all the details about show times, arrival times are included in this link).

We will also be holding the HOLIDAY SHOPPING in the library this week.  This shopping is for your children and allows them select top secret gifts for loved ones.  Details about shopping arrived home last week, just before the Thanksgiving holiday began.  If you’d like to purchase a GEORGETOWN T-SHIRT for yourself or a gift, the order form can be downloaded here.  Georgetown Elementary TSHIRT FLYER

The week concludes with POPCORN DAY!   Squeezed in between all these events and dress rehearsals, we will be learning…and details about homework, quizzes and much more can be found on your child’s class blog.  If you can’t find the information you need on the class blogs, use the search area, and if this is not helpful please let your child’s teacher know via email.   Your feedback helps us to make improvements to our blogs so that you can find the information you need to stay on top of your child’s school day.

Here’s to a FIVE DAY WEEK!

Mrs. Reagan


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