Blog Bits 10/23/2020
News From the Office…
This year for our Fall Celebrations we are looking forward to having parties in our classrooms, much like years past. Each classroom may look a little different depending upon grade level. Your child’s teacher will be communicating out about this in the near future. This year will be slightly different, in a couple of ways.
Parents and volunteers will not be able to attend. (We will miss you!)
Snacks can be sent in, but need to be store bought and individually packaged.
Games, crafts, and snacks need to be sent in 24 hours in advance (or more).
Like previous years, we will be welcoming your children to wear costumes, if they wish. One change this year is that children will be able to wear their costumes to school, and wear them the whole day. The intent behind this is to limit children gathering in the restrooms to change, and limit the number of children needing assistance from teachers and staff to get into their costumes. We invite you to send your children in a costume that includes no weapons or gore, and easily allows your child to participate in regular school routines and procedures. Can they take it off themselves to use the bathroom? Can they fit in their seat at their desk? Can they go down the slide or sit in the swings? Can they wear a mask under their “mask”? Please save bulky, or extravagant costumes for home use, and dress in a fun and simple costume for the school day. Fall or pumpkin t-shirts are a great alternative as well.
We also just want to send a reminder please do NOT use the back bus loop for parent drop off. That is for buses only. Please make sure you are using the front loop or parking lot only for drop off. Thank you so much!!
Next Early Release…
Our next early release is on November 13. We will be dismissing at 12:15 on Nov 13. If your child is a car rider, please be at school between 12:10 and 12:15 for pick up. Food Service will be offering a sack lunch on early release days. Children can order a lunch with their teacher in the morning and will have them to take to their destination. The cost will be $2.25. Free and reduced benefits will also apply.
Picture Retakes…
If your child was not here for picture day, retake day is set for Tuesday, Nov 3. We have extra picture forms in the office if you need one for retakes. If you didn’t like your child’s picture when they came home this week and you would like them to have retakes, simply send in the picture packet with your child on the day of retakes. Your child will bring it to the ladies taking the pictures and they will be all set. Thank you!!
PTC News…
Nov. 12 – Jet’s Pizza Night
Nov. 19 – PTC Meeting, location to be determined
Mask Sale…
The High School’s Student Council and Renaissance Crew are sponsoring a mask sale! The nice thing is that you can place your order online and the company we’re working with will drop off orders to your building, labeled with the name of the purchaser! You can order until Nov 6. Follow this link to order! hpsmask.orderpromos.com
– A building should be selected in order to not pay for shipping and have masks delivered to the appropriate building.
– In the “player last name” field is where the teacher’s last name should be typed in so that student delivery will be easier. (They couldn’t change the name of that field)
– Orders will take approx. 2-3 weeks for production & delivery.
Community News…
Boys lacrosse season registration opens
December 1 for discounted early registration.(Ages 6 – grade 2 cost is $100, grades 3-8 cost is $200). A standard registration continues through January. (Ages 6 through grade 2 cost is $125, grades 3-8 cost is $250)
ALL equipment is provided for kids through 2nd Grade
Depending on the status of gyms in the state, we typically have “non-mandatory” training and conditioning through the winter, with the season starting in March.
All communication is through email, Facebook (hudsonville youth lacrosse), and Instagram: hudsonville_youth_lacrosse. To be added to the email list, just message through Facebook!
Community Ed…
• You can click here to go to the community education page on the Hudsonville Public School website.
Upcoming Dates