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Parent – Teacher Confereces

Happy Friday Georgetown Families!

I wanted to let you know that teachers will be sending out invitations to sign-up for parent-teacher conferences shortly.  Some may have gotten them out already in fact.  Please look for these.  Due to the ongoing pandemic and guidelines and restrictions that are in place for schools, we will be holding these meetings virtually, via Zoom.  We lament the fact that we cannot have parents into the building and yearn for the days when we can return to more face-to-face interactions.  Thank you for doing all that you are doing to partner with the school both for your child’s success academically and for keeping all of our students and staff and the greater community safe, allowing us to continue in-person instruction each day!

This year conferences will take place on the evenings of Monday, November 16, and Wednesday, November 18.  We are using a program called “Calendly” to have you sign up for a meeting time with your child’s teacher.  Once you choose a time, Calendly will generate a Zoom invitation unique to your meeting with the teacher and create a calendar event for you and the teacher with the Zoom information, time, date, etc.  Please keep in mind that we need to schedule only one period per student and that conference times are limited to 15 minutes.  Normally, when in person, we have ways to remind (as a building) when that 15 minutes is approaching, so bear with us as we work through how to do this in a virtual world as our teachers strive to ensure that they are timely in meeting with each of our families.

Thank you again for all you’re doing to help get the year off to such a great start at Georgetown!  It’s difficult to believe that we are more than a 1/4 way through the year already.  Enjoy your weekend, stay safe, and savor the extra hour of sleep!


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Blog Bits 10/23/2020

Blog Bits 10/23/2020

News From the Office…

This year for our Fall Celebrations we are looking forward to having parties in our classrooms, much like years past.  Each classroom may look a little different depending upon grade level.  Your child’s teacher will be communicating out about this in the near future.  This year will be slightly different, in a couple of ways.

Parents and volunteers will not be able to attend.  (We will miss you!)

Snacks can be sent in, but need to be store bought and individually packaged.

Games, crafts, and snacks need to be sent in 24 hours in advance (or more). 

Like previous years, we will be welcoming your children to wear costumes, if they wish.  One change this year is that children will be able to wear their costumes to school, and wear them the whole day.  The intent behind this is to limit children gathering in the restrooms to change, and limit the number of children needing assistance from teachers and staff to get into their costumes.  We invite you to send your children in a costume that includes no weapons or gore, and easily allows your child to participate in regular school routines and procedures.  Can they take it off themselves to use the bathroom?  Can they fit in their seat at their desk? Can they go down the slide or sit in the swings?  Can they wear a mask under their “mask”?  Please save bulky, or extravagant costumes for home use, and dress in a fun and simple costume for the school day.  Fall or pumpkin t-shirts are a great alternative as well. 

We also just want to send a reminder please do NOT use the back bus loop for parent drop off. That is for buses only. Please make sure you are using the front loop or parking lot only for drop off. Thank you so much!!

Next Early Release…

Our next early release is on November 13. We will be dismissing at 12:15 on Nov 13. If your child is a car rider, please be at school between 12:10 and 12:15 for pick up.  Food Service will be offering a sack lunch on early release days. Children can order a lunch with their teacher in the morning and will have them to take to their destination.  The cost will be $2.25.  Free and reduced benefits will also apply.

Picture Retakes…

If your child was not here for picture day, retake day is set for Tuesday, Nov 3.  We have extra picture forms in the office if you need one for retakes. If you didn’t like your child’s picture when they came home this week and you would like them to have retakes, simply send in the picture packet with your child on the day of retakes.  Your child will bring it to the ladies taking the pictures and they will be all set. Thank you!!

PTC News…

Nov. 12 – Jet’s Pizza Night

Nov. 19 – PTC Meeting, location to be determined

Mask Sale…

The High School’s Student Council and Renaissance Crew are sponsoring a mask sale! The nice thing is that you can place your order online and the company we’re working with will drop off orders to your building, labeled with the name of the purchaser! You can order until Nov 6. Follow this link to order!

– A building should be selected in order to not pay for shipping and have masks delivered to the appropriate building.
 – In the “player last name” field is where the teacher’s last name should be typed in so that student delivery will be easier. (They couldn’t change the name of that field) 
– Orders will take approx. 2-3 weeks for production & delivery.

Community News…

Boys lacrosse season registration opens December 1 for discounted early registration.(Ages 6 – grade 2 cost is $100, grades 3-8 cost is $200). A standard registration continues through January. (Ages 6 through grade 2 cost is $125, grades 3-8 cost is $250)
ALL equipment is provided for kids through 2nd Grade
Depending on the status of gyms in the state, we typically have “non-mandatory” training and conditioning through the winter, with the season starting in March.
The registration link is located on our website:
All communication is through email, Facebook (hudsonville youth lacrosse), and Instagram: hudsonville_youth_lacrosse. To be added to the email list,  just message through Facebook!

Community Ed…

 You can click here to go to the community education page on the Hudsonville Public School website.

Upcoming Dates





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Early Release Friday and Monday off

It is early release Friday this week! We will be dismissing at 12:15 on Oct 23. If your child is a car rider, please be at school by 12:10 for pick up.  Food Service will be offering a sack lunch on early release days. Children can order a lunch with their teacher in the morning and will have them to take to their destination. 

We also have Monday the 26th off. We will be back to school on Tuesday, Oct. 27

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Pizza Lunch

Today was the day we celebrated some of the walkathon winners with a special Jet’s pizza lunch with Mr. Waldie. The kids had a lot of fun and the pizza was delicious!! Here are a few pics below!

Next week is early release Friday on the 23rd and then we do not have school on Monday Oct. 26! Just want to make sure everyone has that on the calendar! Have a great weekend!

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Last Day To Sign Up!!

This year, we want to keep the Turkey Trot going with a virtual “race”. That means you will create your own course in your neighborhood (with an adult). While you are completing your trot, we want you to take pictures of yourself and the people with you and post them to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Turkey Trot pages! You can click on this link to go to the sign up page. Today is the last day to sign up!!

Check out this flyer for all the information!! http://Turkey Trot Flyer 2020 FINAL.pdf

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Blog Bits 10/9/2020

Blog Bits 10/9/2020

News from the Office…

Picture day is done and went very well. If your child was sick and missed picture day, we have make up day on Tuesday, Nov 3.  If your child was absent, simply send in the picture form with your child on retake day. If you wish to order online, you can go to and use code 264BFISDGVNHA

We were able to hold the walkathon as well and we were thankful we could still get the kids out to do this! They had fun while they were out there and we are so grateful to all of you for your support! We raised $26,000!!! Amazing!!!

This year for our Fall Celebrations we are looking forward to having parties in our classrooms, much like years past.  Each classroom may look a little different depending upon grade level.  Your child’s teacher will be communicating out about this in the near future.  This year will be slightly different, in a couple of ways.

Parents and volunteers will not be able to attend.  (We will miss you!)

Snacks can be sent in, but need to be store bought and individually packaged.

Games, crafts, and snacks need to be sent in 24 hours in advance (or more). 

Like previous years, we will be welcoming your children to wear costumes, if they wish.  One change this year is that children will be able to wear their costumes to school, and wear them the whole day.  The intent behind this is to limit children gathering in the restrooms to change, and limit the number of children needing assistance from teachers and staff to get into their costumes.  We invite you to send your children in a costume that includes no weapons or gore, and easily allows your child to participate in regular school routines and procedures.  Can they take it off themselves to use the bathroom?  Can they fit in their seat at their desk? Can they go down the slide or sit in the swings?  Can they wear a mask under their “mask”?  Please save bulky, or extravagant costumes for home use, and dress in a fun and simple costume for the school day.  Fall or pumpkin t-shirts are a great alternative as well.

Lastly, we drop off has been going fairly smooth, but we still ask that you pull ALL THE WAY AROUND the loop to the cone to allow for smooth and quick drop off in the morning!! Please say your goodbyes before getting to the line so you can drop off and keep going without holding the line up. We have a lot of students to get into the building in a short amount of time and we appreciate all of your help with this!! Have a great weekend!!

Next Early Release…

Our next early release is on October 23. We will be dismissing at 12:15 on Oct 23. If your child is a car rider, please be at school between 12:10 and 12:15 for pick up.  Food Service will be offering a sack lunch on early release days. Children can order a lunch with their teacher in the morning and will have them to take to their destination.  The cost will be $2.25.  Free and reduced benefits will also apply.

PE News…

This year, we want to keep the Turkey Trot going with a virtual “race”. That means you will create your own course in your neighborhood (with an adult). While you are completing your trot, we want you to take pictures of yourself and the people with you and post them to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Turkey Trot pages! You can click on this link to go to the sign up page.

Check out this flyer for all the information!! http://Turkey Trot Flyer 2020 FINAL.pdf

Lost and Found…

Since parents cannot be in and out of the building this year, we will post pics of the lost and found periodically for you to see if you see anything that belongs to your child! If you see something that belongs to you, let us know and we and can send it home!

PTC News…

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support with the walkathon!!

Last Month’s Jet’s Pizza Winning class was Mrs. Tindall’s class!! Congratulations!!

Nov. 12 – Jet’s Pizza Night

Nov. 19 – PTC Meeting, location to be determined

Community Ed…

 You can click here to go to the community education page on the Hudsonville Public School website.

Upcoming Dates


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Announcing the Winners!

First of all THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for making our WALK•A•THON so successful!  We raised $26,000!  

We have ordered T-SHIRTs for everyone who raised $30 or more.  As soon as they arrive, they will be sent home with each child.

We have a BIG BUNCH OF WINNERS and these are all listed below.

Highest Earning Class: Pizza Lunch and Ice Cream

We had a tie between Mr. Cooley and Mrs. Wysocki!! Congratulations!!

Highest % Participation: All Students and Teacher (Donuts & $50 Gift Card for the class)

100% Ms. Hutchison

100% Mr. Kooiker

Top Earners: Lunch Party with Mr. Waldie

K – Isabelle M and Harper G

1 – Ava R and Emile S

2 – Amelia M and Piper J

3 – Karsten C and Cole S

4 – Keegan B and August E

5 – Kolton H and Tanner S

Top Earning Grade: Extra Recess with popsicles

Grade 1

Razor Electric Scooter

Liam C and Ava H

$10 Target Gift Card

Austin P

Sydney Y

Quinn F

Ian B

Olivia S

Taelyn A

$10 Barnes & Noble Gift Card

Kaiya H

Elliott S

Brooklyn V

Brody H

Kiana V

Emmie S

$10 What’s The Scoop Gift Card

Cora C

Dylan H

Norah M

Makenzie T

Isaiah T

Biggby Card

Jaxton V

Bentley C

Aysia C

Jackson D

Sabrina K

Jackson S

Kylee M

Presleigh V

Colton V

Emersyn K

Jacob P

Zachary D

Luke U

Colin W

Hudsonville Lanes Family Pack

Lila S and Elizabeth B

Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you again for your support!!!!


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Jet’s Pizza Night!

Tonight is a Jet‘s Pizza Night! If you place an order with Jet‘s, they will generously donate a portion back to our school! Let them know who your child’s teacher is when you order and the class with the most orders wins a pizza party as well! Make it an easy dinner night and help out Georgetown too! Have a good night!

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10/2 Update from Mr. Waldie


Hello Georgetown Families!  


I wanted to pass along some information and updates on a few topics for you as we wrap up week number 6!  It’s hard to believe that it’s October already.  Staff and students continue to do amazing things each day at GES.  It’s awesome to see how well the kids have gotten back into the rhythm of the school year and how quickly they are making progress academically and socially after such a long break away from school.  A few items that I wanted to provide information to you about; 


  1. This year for our Fall Celebrations we are looking forward to having parties in our classrooms, much like years past.  Each classroom may look a little different depending upon grade level.  Your child’s teacher will be communicating out about this in the near future.  This year will be slightly different, in a couple of ways.


  • Parents and volunteers will not be able to attend.  (We will miss you!)
  • Snacks can be sent in, but need to be store bought and individually packaged.
  • Games, crafts, and snacks need to be sent in 24 hours in advance (or more). 


Like previous years, we will be welcoming your children to wear costumes, if they wish.  One change this year is that children will be able to wear their costumes to school, and wear them the whole day.  The intent behind this is to limit children gathering in the restrooms to change, and limit the number of children needing assistance from teachers and staff to get into their costumes.  We invite you to send your children in a costume that includes no weapons or gore, and easily allows your child to participate in regular school routines and procedures.  Can they take it off themselves to use the bathroom?  Can they fit in their seat at their desk? Can they go down the slide or sit in the swings?  Can they wear a mask under their “mask”?  Please save bulky, or extravagant costumes for home use, and dress in a fun and simple costume for the school day.  Fall or pumpkin t-shirts are a great alternative as well. 


  1. The 2020 Turkey Trot will carry on, but differently due to the pandemic.  Please see this flyer for details or look for information on the district’s facebook account in the near future as well.  Turkey Trot Flyer 2020 FINAL.pdf


  1. Finally, as you know and have probably read there is a pandemic going on right now.  When you see articles in the paper about schools that have to shut down because of Covid, it’s rarely because of a large outbreak of positive cases with students, but rather due to a shortage of staff after contact tracing or just staff being out in general once the flu season begins to hit.  Schools normally get subs from four pools of people.  First, we have our “die hard” subs that are here whenever we need them.  Each building will typically have a couple of those.  Next, we have our “teachers that are looking for a job still” group.  Young teachers that just graduated and haven’t been hired yet.  This group has been eaten up this year as every school in Ottawa County is also running a virtual school and has filled those teaching positions with what could have been these subs.  Third, you have college students that have enough credits and sub on days they can (according to their schedules).  Many colleges are on semi-lockdown and students are less willing (or able) to sub in schools this year.  Finally, we have many retirees that will come in to sub occasionally as a means to stay connected to the district and kids.  Many of that group are choosing not to sub right now as they may be more vulnerable to the virus and do not want to risk coming into a building with 600 others.  All of this is to say that if you have ever considered being a substitute teacher, have 60+ college credits, and have an inclination to be around a great group of staff and students, please consider registering to be a substitute teacher at  


I would like to once again thank you for the tremendous start to the school year that we’ve had.  I know that every bit of work that we put in here with the kids is matched (and then some) at home by you ensuring that your kids are fed, rested, and the lessons that we teach here being reinforced.  It truly is a team effort both between various groups at school and between school and home in order to provide a quality education for students.  We could not do what we do here for our students without your help and support!  Have a great weekend and Happy October! 


Yours in learning,

