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First Week of School, 2017-18

Many thanks for your participation and attendance during the Open Houses last week!  Once again parent attendance for Georgetown was excellent — and the positive energy was contagious.  I’ve included some photos from the event in this post and a slide show at the bottom

Every weekend throughout the year, I will post a snapshot of the week ahead — highlighting any special events.  This is our first post of the 2017-18 school year and as you can see, our first week is just three days long.  It will be nice way for all of us to ease into the schedule and new routines of each grade level.

Some tips for you as your prepare for the first day:

  1.  Know your child’s bus number and pick/up drop off location.  Put your child’s bus number on their backpack (K/1) and for older children write the bus number somewhere inside their backpack so they can check if they forget by the end of the day.
  2. Expect that the busses will be running behind for pick up and drop off for the first week.  The bus drivers are being careful to learn their stops and pick up all children safely.
  3. If your child is anxious about school or the new schedule, read this recent post for tips.
  4. Remember to place the registration paperwork (manila envelope from open house) in your child’s backpack.  Every teacher will be collecting these papers daily the first week of school.
  5. The first few days of school we provide extra time for snack and lunch times.  If your child doesn’t eat all their lunch on day 1, don’t be surprised — even with the extra time.  If this continues, please let the teacher know so we can do all we can to encourage equal socializing and eating time!

Most importantly, be patient as we all build a new schedule together.  At Georgetown, we will be helping 570 students adjust to a new teacher and grade, new routines for lunch, recess and learning — and doing all we can to get them safely into school and safely on the busses or to you in the front lobby for car pick up.

We are ready for your children….so let’s get started!  Here’s to a great start to our year!

Mrs. Reagan


*Photography credits to Rhonda Fabbro and Allix Hutchison

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