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Week 36 = Week 9 of Remote Learning

Oh boy … I don’t know about you, but I think my brain has changed during this pandemic shelter in place.  I’ve done my best to create a routine and pushed myself to adapt my work schedule to one of moving throughout the day at school to sitting in front of the screen for hours.   Still…most days I feel restless, distracted and slightly irritable.

It’s exhausting.  I know if I’m exhausted from this experience and no longer have young children at home, I know you are 100x more exhausted than I am.  Thank you for all you are doing to get your family through this experience safely — feeding them, clothing them and teaching them.  Only three more weeks of remote learning and then you can step away from your teacher role!

Last week, every staff member received a wonderful surprise!  A member of the Parent Club appeared at our doorway, delivering a gift of appreciation (movie gift card, snacks and Amazon Gift Card).  Our PTC Board drove through neighborhoods from Spring Lake to Cascade to find staff member’s homes — and make sure that everyone felt appreciated.  Thank you for this jolt of love!  We can’t tell you how wonderful it was for us to see a face from school.  We also want all of you to know how much this is appreciated.  Your Walk-A-Thon donations made this possible.

On Monday, all parents will receive a detailed letter from me regarding the pick up of student materials and the final day of school activity.  This letter will be sent via email.  Each parent must confirm their pick up time – confirmation link included in email.  The email will also include information about report cards and class placements for 20-21.

TODAY…enjoy the beautiful summer like weather!  We’ve waited a long time for this…so get outside and soak it up.

Mrs. Reagan


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