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Georgetown Thoughts and Prayers

I would like to ask you to keep two very important Georgetown family members in your thoughts and prayers. Mrs. Lisa Kuieck will be undergoing surgery in Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Hospital, early Monday morning.  This surgery is being done to remove a benign tumor from her pituitary gland.  Mrs. Kuieck has been treated for this during the past year.  Mrs. Karyn McIntire will be her substitute teacher through December 1.

Another very important person to hold in your thoughts and prayers is Jared Mills, our brave and confident 3rd grade student.  Jared will be undergoing surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from his optic nerve. The surgery will take place Monday morning, and Jared will be recovering for 4 weeks.  His parents posted a Q & A about Jared’s surgery on their Care Page.  It is outstanding in terms of content and touching in terms of our their unique ability to care for us while they are caring for Jared.  To read this post, visit

The login is as follows:  jaredmills

Mrs. Reagan


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Time and Talent Winners

Thank you for your patience while we sort through the winning bids for the Time and Talent Auction.     Mrs. Burdis and Mrs. Walenta worked to be 100% accurate with the time of the bid submissions and the highest bid for each item.

The winners are listed in the pdf document: Time and Talent Winners

The entire staff would like to extend their gratitude to you for participating in this important event. The money earned goes toward establishing a science scholarship to be awarded each year, beginning in 2016 (the year Grace would have graduated from HHS).  This fundraiser has earned over $2000.00.

Your support means so much to us…and the Thatchers.

Mrs. Reagan


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