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Yes…we have head lice.

liceThis title will grab the attention of just about every reader out there.  I imagine our blog counter may hit an all time high with this posting!  We do have head lice moving through our building and we need your help.   Before I address the plan of attack, it is critical we have our facts straight.

TRUTHS about head lice:

  1. Medical term:  pediculosis capitis
  2. Louse = 1;  Lice = more than one.
  3. Lice DO NOT JUMP.  They crawl.
  4. Lice spread through close contact–hats, combs, brushes, etc.
  5. Lice can live 2-3 days off the body.
  6. Nit is the name for a louse egg.
  7. A louse will lay 6 eggs per day.
  8. A nit can live up to 10 days off the body.
  9. Lice are killed quickly with treatment.
  10. Nits require daily combing and inspection daily for  3 weeks.
  11. Lice do not discriminate.  They love scalps of all income levels, culture backgrounds and social economic status.


  3. Check your child’s hair immediately and carefully.  If you find lice, determine a treatment plan by calling your doctor.  Notify the school.  CLEAN all surfaces that your child would come into contact with:  sheets, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, clothing.   Keep your child home until there is no evidence of lice or nits.  School procedure:  Lice Protocol
  4. Even if your child is lice free, please wash ALL winter clothing with hot water and dry in hot dryer.
  5. Educate your child to not share hats, scarves, brushes, etc.  Keep hats, mittens, scarves in backpacks at school.
  6. Monitor your child for excessive scratching of head.

We have two kind, sensitive and careful school nurses lice inspectors (Mrs. Reagan and Mrs. Ripley) who are training any interested, willing fellow inspectors!  Know that if we suspect your child has been exposed to head lice or is showing signs of head lice, we will check privately and in a very dignified way.

Links to videos you may or may not find helpful:

Lice Crawling

Lice Truths


I want to end with an educational and humorous video on this rather itchy topic.

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