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Final Week of October

JackolanternWe are heading into our eighth week of school and the final week of October, which as tradition dictates, concludes with Halloween celebrations.

The celebrations are held at varied times on Thursday and Friday.  If you plan to visit the classroom, please make sure you check your child’s class blog for calendar specifics.

We will be holding Parent/Teacher Conference next week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.   Teachers are posting conference times on their blogs and also confirming these via email.    It takes a great deal of time to schedule 560+ conferences, and coordinate these so that you can come on one night for all of your children.  If your assigned time does not work, please get in touch with your child’s teacher as soon as possible so that changes can be made.

I will be serving as the “conference time keeper”–calling out end times at each 15 minute interval.  This helps to keep everyone on time.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Reagan


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