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AMAZON SMILE – Holiday $ for our School

amazonIt’s GIFT SHOPPING season and a great way to buy gifts for loved ones and gift our school at the same time is through AMAZON SMILE.

Every time you make a purchase by logging into your account through the AMAZON SMILE link, Amazon will donate .5 % to our school.  Go to your Amazon account via the link below and AMAZON will donate .5% of your eligible purchases to our school. The PTC will use these donations to support learning & family activities at our school. Every DONATION counts …. and adds up!  Our school site is called HUDSONVILLE PARENT and BOOSTER ORGANIZATION.  Please spread the word to help us make money.

In addition to Amazon Smile, you can support our school through SPARTAN NASH Receipts, BOX TOPS and the PAPER GATOR. Visit this post by Audrey Straub, our PTC President.

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