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Visitors from London


This week, Amy and Abena from Ferry Lane Primary in London, visited our school blog.   They were reading our post about PJ Day and Popcorn Day and left this comment:

You are so lucky. We’re going to take a plane to America tonight to come and join you. Only joking, but if we had the chance,  we would.

I wrote them back and thanked them for leaving a comment on our blog.  I also told them that we would welcome them for PJ Day, but that would be an awfully long trip just to wear PJ’s to school.    It might be easier for them to have their own PJ Day at their own school, what do you think?

As I looked through their blog, I noticed that each of them (as  well as other writers in their class) have published poems.   Click this link to read ABENA’s poem, and this link to read AMY’s poem.

I also told Amy and Abena that London is one of my favorite cities in the Maybe they will visit our blog again and share pictures of London with us.

If you want to visit their blog, click on this link FERRY LANE and say hello from Hudsonville, Michigan USA.

You are so lucky. We’re going to take a plane to America tonight to come and join you. Only joking but if we had the chance we would.
From Amy&Abena at Ferry Lane primary school year 6.
Please visit our blog.You are so lucky. We’re going to take a plane to America tonight to come and join you. Only joking but if we had the chance we wouldYou are so lucky. We’re going to take a plane to America tonight to come and join you. Only joking but if we had the chance we would.