STUDENT PICK-UP…….. Please parents as a friendly reminder from the office…. if you are doing student pick-up after school please be aware that school is dismissed at 3:40pm and the students should be picked up no later than 3:45pm. Just remember to take into consideration when the weather is inclimate to allow for extra travel time. Thank you!
YEARBOOKS.…. Extra, Extra, read all about it. Yearbooks came in last week and should have already gone home with the students that had purchased them. We do a have a FEW EXTRA in the office that are available for purchase. These will be sold on a first come/first serve basis and will be $10.
DONUT SALE SUCCESS!!! A big thank you to Georgetown for making our donut sale a huge success! We sold 225 donuts and are now able to pay for our gymnastics! Thank you for being such a wonderful and supportive school! Mrs. Kok and students.
CLASSROOM BASKET RAFFLE….. You should be receiving a note from your child’s classroom with their selected a basket theme. Donations for these baskets can be sent to their classroom up until Thursday, Feb 25th. Each classroom will have a box to drop off basket donations. If you’d rather make a cash donation, send cash or check (made out to Georgetown PTC) to your child’s teacher.
These baskets will be on display in the main hallway outside the library March 1-3th, during the school day AND during conferences. You or your child can purchase tickets during lunch time or conferences where the baskets are on display. Cost for a ticket is $1. The Raffle Drawing will take place on Thursday, March 4th. Proceeds from this raffle will be going back to your child’s classroom. Please come and try your luck on winning a basket!
Please see the attachment for the list of teachers and their basket theme. Classroom Baskets Blog Letter 2010
5th GRADE UPDATES…….. We have tentative dates for this year’s 5th grade music testing, fitting, and parent meetings.
5th grade orientation at each Middle School (meet with counselors, tour of building, music testing, music concert with 6th graders)
- Wednesday, March 17th Baldwin Street MS
- Thursday, March 18th Riley Street MS
Instrument Fittings at each elementary (the 5th graders get to try different instruments)
- April 13 –Georgetown April 21, 22 Rental Nights: Parent meetings to find out about how to get an instrument (band and orchestra only)
BOX TOP COMPETITIONS….. Just a reminder about the LAST box top competition. This started on January 4 and will continue through March 19. There are two levels of the competition… the first is the top classroom from each wing EC, 1st/ 2nd, 3rd/4th, and 5th; and the second is the top boy and girl from each wing. Please help support Georgetown by participating in this great program. There are three ways in which to participate: 1.) CLIP box top coupons from your favorite products. 2.) SHOP at your favorite online stores through the Box Tops MarketplaceSM ( and up to 8% of your qualifying purchase will be automatically donated to your school. 3.) PURCHASE BOOKS through the Box Tops Reading RoomSM at Barnes & Noble.
FAMILY FARE REMINDER………Family Fare has just given us our “Cash for Class” dates. Please help support our school as you do your grocery shopping during these dates. The first dates that will be coming up are FEBRUARY 21-27. The second week for this event will be held from APRIL 18-24. This is a great way to help out our school without even having to go out of your way!
COMMUNITY ED NEWS…..Posted below:
One is for Babysitting Classes, one for Tae Kwon Do and the last is for Girls Softball clinics. If you have further questions please call Community Ed at 669-1740 ext 3 and you may also register online at
The Hudsonville Community Education Department will be offering a seven-week workshop on becoming an Love and Logic parent starting Thursday, March 18 (skipping the week of Spring Break) from 6:30-8:00 at Park Elementary. The topics covered will include how to: raise responsible kids using the Love and Logic philosophy, respond to kids with empathy, design appropriate consequences, avoid power struggles, share control through choices, and use enforceable statements. The cost of the workshop is $10 to cover the cost of materials. Childcare is provided free of charge. To register, please e-mail Kristi Sherrington at