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Blog Bits 9/18/2020

Blog Bits 9/18/2020

News From Office…

We are very thankful that we have been able to be in school and thank you for all of your cooperation and patience as we navigate through new routines. We are asking that if you drop your students off in the morning, to PLEASE PULL ALL THE WAY around the circle drive to the cone!! This allows for more cars to drop off at a time and gets the line to move faster. Also for pick up after school we are asking that you park in a spot. Please do not park along any part of the drive. This will allow for traffic to keep moving. Thank you!!

We are doing a spirit week next week for the walk a thon.

Monday – PJ Day

Tuesday – Crazy Socks Day

Wednesday- Crazy Hair Day

Thursday- Walk a thon Day and Hat Day

Friday- Maize and Blue Day

Have a great weekend!

Next Early Release…

Just a reminder of the next early release Friday on Oct 23! We will be dismissing at 12:15 on Oct 23. If your child is a car rider, please be at school between 12:10 and 12:15 for pick up.  Food Service will be offering a sack lunch on early release days. Children can order a lunch with their teacher in the morning and will have them to take to their destination.

Picture Day…

Picture day will be on Oct 1. We will be sending the forms home at the end of next week.


PBIS at Georgetown!

This year we continue to teach and embrace our school values, be Safe, Own It, Act Responsibly, and be Respectful or SOAR. Be Safe has been of the utmost importance as we navigate face-to-face learning this fall.  GES staff and students have embraced our SOAR values and spent additional time learning new routines related to masking, handwashing, and social distancing.  Social-emotional wellness is another important aspect of encouraging positive behavior and providing the necessary support to help each student continue to learn and grow.  We look forward to partnering with you this year to do this important work.

PTC News…

Walk a thon Event details: 

  •       Register your Child using School Identifier 5f3d669d605c9, please visit 
  •       Event Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020
  •       Final Donation due date: September 30, 2020
  •         Donations can be online through your child’s webpage.  Otherwise, donations in the form of cash & checks (in-school donations), should be      turned in to the school.

      •         Please make checks payable to: Georgetown Elementary PTC

•           Visit this page for more details!!

Next Jet’s Pizza Night – Oct 8

Next PTC Meeting – Nov 19

Community Ed…

 You can click here to go to the community education page on the Hudsonville Public School website. There are a few activities for your kids to look into!

Upcoming Dates

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Early Release Friday

It is early release Friday tomorrow! We will be dismissing at 12:15 on Sept 18. If your child is a car rider, please be at school by 12:10 for pick up.  Food Service will be offering a sack lunch on early release days. Children can order a lunch with their teacher in the morning and will have them to take to their destination. 

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We are holding our annual WALKATHON this fall which is our primary fundraiser for the year.  One of our objectives in the Parent Club is to raise money to help cover costs such as classroom supplies, technology upgrades, storage solutions, books, field trips, parent/child events and other needed items for each class.

Current class leader is Mrs. Tindall with Mrs. Bohl not far behind! We are at 17% of our total goal right now. Our virtual learners also have teams! Mrs. Hoekstra, Mrs. Jeltema and Mrs. VandenBerg are your team leaders. They are really hoping to win a pizza lunch for being the top class. If a virtual team wins, you will have pizza giftcards dropped off to your home so you can enjoy a pizza lunch as well! Don’t forget, all who donate get put into a drawing for raffle prizes!!

We want to promote a healthy lifestyle to our students and the community.  Please help us reach our fundraising goal by supporting our Walkathon. We have teamed up with Get Movin’© to make this event fun and profitable with online mobile friendly technology! 

We Need All Parents to Complete 3 Easy Steps!

  1.     Register your Child by visiting It’s free, easy, and fast to register!  For School Identifier use 5f3d669d605c9
  2.   Consider sending an Email and/ or Text of your child’s student fundraising webpage with 10-15 friends and family. It’s super easy!
  3.   Consider Posting on Facebook or Twitter It’s two clicks of a button to post. You’ll be surprised when donations come in from distant relatives/friends from HS/co-workers.  Post and see what happens!


Student Goals!

o   We need 100% student registration please visit today!

o   Each student is encouraged to raise at least $30.

o   Be an Overachiever Superstar by raising at least $150. 

Our TOTAL SCHOOL GOAL is $25,000

Event details: 

  •       Register your Child today using School Identifier 5f3d669d605c9
  •       Event Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020
  •       Final Donation due date: September 30, 2020
  •         Donations can be online through your child’s webpage.  Otherwise, donations in the form of cash & checks (in-school donations), should be turned in to the school.

·        Please make checks payable to: Georgetown Elementary PTC

Individual Goal Rewards!

All students are encouraged to reach their individual donation goal of $30.00.

  •         Any donation (in-school or online) = Entered in a random drawing for prizes!

o   Prizes include Electric Scooters and Gift Cards to places such as Amazon, Target, and Barnes & Noble.

  •         Individual Donation goal of $30 = Hudsonville Eagles T-shirt (Parents: be sure to add size when registering)


Group Goal Rewards

  •         Class with Highest Donation Total = Pizza/Ice Cream Party!
  •         Class with Highest Percent Participation (including teacher) = Donuts and Gift Card for the teacher.
  •         Top Two Earners from each Grade = Pizza Party with Principal Waldie!
  •         Grade with Highest Donation Total = Popsicle Recess!

Just for FUN! – The week of the Walkathon will be Spirit Week

  • Monday (September 21st) – PJ Day
    • Long weekend? Skip a step in the morning routine and come to school in your pajamas.
  • Tuesday (September 22nd) – cRaZy SoCkS Day
    • Break into the mismatch sock drawer and find the funniest, brightest socks for the day.
  • Wednesday (September 23rd) – cRaZy hAiR Day
    • Find the Hairspray and the Hair Dye and come in with some crazy hair.
  • Thursday (September 24th) – Hat Day AND Walkathon Day
    • Couldn’t get all that color out from the day before.   No problem, wear a hat to school to cover it.
  • Friday (September 25th) – Blue and Maize Day
    • Show your school spirit with your favorite Eagles gear, or just wear Blue and Maize.



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Jet’s Pizza Night

Tonight is a Jet‘s Pizza Night! If you place an order with Jet‘s, they will generously donate a portion back to our school! Let them know who your child’s teacher is when you order and the class with the most orders wins a pizza party as well! Make it an easy dinner night and help out Georgetown too! Have a good night!

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Week 2

Hello Georgetown Families,

It was another great week at GES!  The slower start to the year with four 1/2 days last week leading into a four day week this week has truly been a blessing and allowed our staff and students to work back into “school shape” after such an extended time away.  It has been a tremendous start to the year as students have seamlessly fallen into routines and learned norms and procedures  that have allowed teachers and staff to get off to a running start!  As we begin working into longer weeks please be sure to continue to establish routines at home with your children to ensure they’re getting the amount of rest that they need each day.  The days will get longer and the demands on their mental faculties will continue to increase.  Sleep will be an ally that they, and we, will need in the coming months.  A few reminders about upcoming dates and events:

  • No School – Monday, September 7 – Labor Day
  • 1/2 Day of School – Friday, September 18
  • Walk-a-thon – Thursday, September 24
    • Look for more information to come home about our walk-a-thon following Labor Day.

Finally, if you have not already done so, please read Dr. VanderJagt’s email/letter which was sent out today.  It outlines a few things.  The one that will affect us the most at GES is the change in NOT mandating masks at recess, so long as students can social distance.  Students would have to still wear their masks to and from recess.  Please make sure that your child has the lanyard which was provided by PTC (or another one) to help them hang onto their mask if/when they remove them.  It also would continue to be a good idea to send your child into school with an extra mask or two should one be misplaced or dropped into a puddle.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!


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Blog Bits 9/3/2020

Blog Bits 9/3/2020

Office News…

We are right back into the swing of things and the kids are doing great! We are so proud of them and we thank you for your support and patience as we navigate this new normal!

Parents just a reminder that if you have to change how your child is getting home, please send a dated note to the teacher. Remember, we cannot change busses or ride a different bus home with a friend. That is a CRAZY part of the day for teachers and it is super helpful to have that note as a reminder!! Also keeping it as consistent as possible is helpful to not only the teachers , but the kids as well.

If you know your child is not going to be attending school for a day, please let the office know for attendance. You can also leave a voicemail if you call while we are not here. If you prefer email, our email addresses are and Please let us know the symptoms of an illness as we have to do a report to the health department every week. Thanks for your help with this!! It cuts down on interruptions into the classroom and we greatly appreciate it!

We have been going through paperwork that we may still need for your child.  If any forms come home with your student or you have received an email, please fill them out and return them to school as soon as you can.  Thanks and have a great weekend!!!

Next Early Release…

Just a reminder of the next early release Friday on Sept 18! We will be dismissing at 12:15 on Sept. 18. If your child is a car rider, please be at school between 12:10 and 12:15 for pick up.  Food Service will be offering a sack lunch on early release days. Children can order a lunch with their teacher in the morning and will have them to take to their destination.  The cost will be $2.50.  Free and reduced benefits will also apply.

School Pictures…

As of now, we are planning on school pictures being on Thursday, Oct 1. We will be sending more information home soon.

PTC News…

Walk A Thon details will be coming out after Labor Day. We are planning on Thursday, Sept 24, but it will look different than it has in years past. Any questions, contact Audrey Straub at

The next PTC meeting will be on September 17th at 6:30 on the K/1 playground weather permitting!! Bring a chair and come join us to see what is going on at Georgetown!!! We would love to see you!!

Jet’s Pizza Night – Sept 10, Order dinner on Sept 10 and let them know your child’s teacher. Jet’s generously donates a portion of the proceeds back to our school. Thanks for your support!!

Upcoming Dates



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Flowchart for Health Symptoms

The office just wanted to pass along the flowchart that we will be using for illnesses this year. This is what we have to follow according to the back to school roadmap. We wanted to put it out for the parents on the blog and it is also posted on the Hudsonville public school website. It may change like everything else seems to and we will update it if it does. Thank you for understanding as we are trying our best to keep everyone safe in this ever changing time!! We sincerely appreciate your patience!

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First Week of School

The first week of school will be half days Monday and Tuesday and Thursday for sure and it is a possibility on Wednesday. Please watch your email as administration watches the weather and makes decisions. We will be dismissing at 12:15. If your child is a car rider, please be at school by 12:10 for pick up.  Food Service will be offering a sack lunch on early release days. Children can order a lunch with their teacher in the morning and will have them to take to their destination.  The cost will be $2.25.  Free and reduced benefits will also apply.

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FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: Monday, August 24


Dear Parents,


Welcome back to school!  For those new to our school, know that you are joining a caring community of students, families and teachers.  Georgetown opened in September 2006 and since that time the school and its staff has been committed to maintaining a climate that is safe, caring and focused on supporting learners of all ages and abilities.  We are starting our 15th year as a school — and each year brings more adventures in learning and growing together.


This year we have some changes in our staff due to teachers changing grades, moving in from other positions in the district,  or shifting to Eagle Virtual.  We have 24 K-5 teachers (four sections of each grade) plus 10 specialists excited to welcome you back to school!   Please subscribe to our school blog to stay up-to-date on all the happenings at Georgetown and to receive any information we share out:  


You will be receiving important forms that need to be reviewed, completed and returned to school ASAP.  Thank you in advance for doing this important paperwork for us.


Required forms that MUST be returned to office:

  • Family Compact (pink paper)
  • Student Profile Sheet (white paper)
  • Covid-19 Health Screening Commitment 
  • Medical Forms if your child needs medication at school.  (forms to be found on blog)


Important information to review on the blog:

  1. Go to
  2. Look under this tab:  FORMS & PROCEDURES
  3. Review the following:  Elementary Guidelines, Medications at School, Background Check Form, Accident Insurance, Meal Plans (Breakfast and Lunch), Bus Pass Request/Procedures.
  4. Background Check:  MUST BE COMPLETED EVERY YEAR.  (Although we cannot welcome volunteers into GES at this time, we hope to be able to in the future.)
  5. Parent Club:  We have a very active Parent Club.  We are always in need of more support for activities related to learning and fun.   Information posted regularly on the  blog.  Contact person for PTC:  Audrey Straub
  6. Subscribe to your teacher’s blog.  They should have emailed that information to you or you can find a link to their blog on the Georgetown Blog 


Randy Waldie, Principal  

Phone:  797-9797 ext 7010 



In order for your child to take any medication (prescription and non- prescription) at school, a MEDICATION FORM is required and must be brought to the school office by a parent or guardian, please do not send this with the child.  If your child requires prescription medication (asthma inhaler, epi-pen, insulin) your physician must complete a portion of the form.  The medication form is available in the school office and the school blog.



Georgetown staff is focused on promoting healthy living initiatives.   One important initiative is a “POP FREE     LUNCHROOM and POP FREE CLASSROOMS.”   Please keep this in mind when you provide lunch for your child at school.



Please inform us immediately if your child has a NUT, MILK or other critical allergy.  As a staff, we take food allergies very seriously and do all that we can to create a safe environment at school.  We have a nut safe lunch room table and milk safe lunch room table.  Students who need to sit at these tables can have friends join them with permission.  A lunch assistant will check lunches to be sure that those who join the table have nut or milk safe lunches for that day.  

Our number one goal is to make the lunchroom safe for ALL students who are eating.   In addition to this, certain classrooms are NUT SAFE and these rooms will be marked accordingly.   If your child is in a NUT SAFE classroom, DO NOT send any snack related food to school that contains nuts. If your child has a food allergy that we are not aware of, please let your child’s teacher know as soon as possible. 



NO BUS CHANGES for preK and kindergarten students.  LIMITED changes to Grades 1-5 for a permanent scheduled change or emergency situation.  Details explained below.

Only requests for extenuating circumstances will be accepted (no changes for play dates). Bus passes are to be used ONLY when making a PERMANENT regularly scheduled change or an emergency situation.  If the pass is approved, transportation will notify the school office. The school office will notify the classroom teacher.

NOTE: Form must be completed by 10:00 am on the morning of the bus change. Late requests will NOT be honored.

Link to BUS PASS can be found on the school blog, Forms and Procedures, BUS PASS.  Questions about policy, contact Transportation:  616-669-7757


Student Accident Insurance

Our district provides accident coverage for all students. Coverage is intended as a brief description for reference only and is not the policy. Only ACCIDENTS that occur in school-sponsored and supervised activities including participants in interscholastic sports are covered.  This is on our blog under Forms and Procedures.


This is a very busy time in the school drive and hallways and will be especially busy this year.  Follow these procedures for safety/security:

CHILD DROP OFF:  If you are dropping your child off at school, please do this in the front circle drive.  This year, due to changes brought on because of the pandemic, please DO NOT DROP OFF BEFORE 8:35 a.m.  Your child will then exit your vehicle (passenger side only for safety) and enter the building.  Students will NOT go to the playgrounds in the morning this year, but right to their classrooms.  Once inside the building, we will walk groups of students to their classrooms.  Older students, who know the building will be allowed to proceed to their classrooms on their own.   If your child arrives after school begins, you must walk him/her into the front office and sign your child in for the day.  Our school secretaries will have a sign-in log available at the front desk.  Your child will then walk to his/her classroom.


CHILD PICK UP: For those of you who pick your child up after school, please park in the lot and wait outside the building, on the south side of the cafeteria, near the outside door of the cafeteria.  Please do your best to remain respectful of others and abide by social distancing standards.  A Georgetown employee will be there to greet you, find out which child(ren) you are there to pick up, radio into the cafeteria to have the child(ren) sent out.  If your child normally rides the bus, SEND A NOTE ADDRESSED TO THE TEACHER AND DATED indicating that you will be providing pick up.  If it is a last minute change, inform the office no later than 3:00 p.m.  Follow the pick-up procedure listed above after informing us of the change.

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Parent Communication

Georgetown Family,

It will be 164 days since we shut down when we welcome students back into the building on August 24, and each day I get more excited about the idea that the kids are almost back!  In talking with teachers and staff this week, they are feeling just as excited and can’t wait to have the “life blood” of the building flowing again…school isn’t school without the kids in the building.

I wanted to share a few more items with you to end the week and plan to share more next week as well.  I spoke in my previous communication about working to split Eagle Virtual communication from general Georgetown communications…I still hope to have that ability, but I heard from many parents that are participating in EV that absolutely want to maintain the communication.  I appreciate that sentiment and want to reemphasize that I consider all of the Georgetown kids to be the Georgetown family regardless of how or where they are receiving instruction this year.  There may be ultra-specific information I send at times to one group or the other, but most will go to both.  We are one Georgetown!

  • Class Lists:  It was my hope that we would be able to get class lists out by the end of last week, but that did not happen.  I assure you that they are ready to go and as soon as we get the green light from the district offices, they will head your way.  Thank you for your patience.

  • Supply Lists:  Normally we would have our individual teachers share out their supply lists by now as you would already be in communication with them.  This year is obviously different.  Each grade level provided me with a supply list for you that they worked on together.  I know many of you have been patiently waiting and your kids want to buy their supplies!  : )

  • Specials Supply List:  Above you will see not only our grade level supply lists, but also a “specials supply list.”  This year, because of restrictions on sharing items, we wanted to provide a “to go” kit for our specials classes.  Our grade level lists should have these items built in.  DO NOT feel the need to duplicate purchases, but we wanted you to see what the students will be bringing with them to art and STEAM (and other classes at times).

  • Transportation Survey:  In an effort to help plan and prepare for pick-up / drop-off I need you to fill out a survey for each of your students to indicate whether your child will be riding the bus, being transported by you (or another parent), or walking to and from school.  This will help us plan as getting students in and out of the building will take a little more planning and help this year on our end.  I’ll send more detailed information on that next week in terms of the when and where to drop off / pick up.

  • Deliveries:  As we discussed in a prior update, visitors into the building will be greatly restricted this year.  Along those same lines, we will not be able to accept and distribute deliveries to classrooms / students.  This was something which was discussed this week at the district level in terms of food deliveries (Grubhub, Jimmy Johns, etc.)  This will probably affect students at the HS/MS level more, but also applies to us so I wanted to make sure you were aware as well.

  • Health Screener:  As we continue and expand our efforts to address students’ social and emotional needs, this fall we will begin the use of a mental health/social-emotional screener. This activity is also a strongly recommended component of the Governor’s Return to School Roadmap. At the elementary level, this universal screener will be conducted daily. The collective information will support our building teams to develop targeted social-emotional lessons. Student-level responses will only be shared with staff and administrators who have an educational interest. The mental health screener is compliant with HIPAA and FERPA, and will include instructions for students to speak to confidentiality and mandated reporting guidelines. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.

There will be more communication coming your way next week, including who your child’s teacher will be!  If you have not already, please review the district’s Return to School Parent Handbook as it covers many frequently asked questions.  As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions that you have.

Yours in learning,


Georgetown Elementary Principal

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