The upcoming week will be four days of school for students and five days for teachers. Friday, March 11 is a Professional Development day that provides teachers with an opportunity to attend classes to learn strategies to improve instruction.
Many thanks to everyone who attend Parent/Teacher Conferences last week. As a school, we had an attendance rating of 99% and those who could not attend are conferencing with the teachers by phone or via email. Collectively, as a staff, we feel incredibly fortunate to work with your children each day. Thank you for all you to do help us to learn how to advance your child intellectually, socially and emotionally each year.
I want to offer up a HUGE THANK YOU to the parents who provided us with a just perfect soup bar for dinner the first night of conferences. The teachers are with their students all day long and begin conferences 45 minutes after the students depart for the day. The soup and desserts were a real treat for all of us. Much of the conversation at dinner revolved around this topic: WE HAVE THE BEST PTC IN THE WORLD!
The snapshot of the week ahead is below. Our PTC meeting is this week Thursday at 10am in the Media Center. (Two of our meetings per year are in the morning….a request that has been made by parents who cannot make evening meetings.) Please note that our Superintendent, Mr. Nick Ceglarek, will be the keynote speaker. He will be sharing information about the upcoming bond vote (May 3) and the district’s long term strategic plan. PLEASE COME IF YOU CAN!
Have a great week.
Mrs. Reagan