Our days at school are flying by…and with each passing week, we are getting into a rhythm of the day that helps our time together to feel safe, predictable and comfortable.

The photo above shows a 2nd grade chart for hallway expectations. Each grade has one to help us focus on hallway expectations — and these have made a great difference in our hallway climate. If you are in the building and see a class that is walking and/or moving about in a respectful, quiet way, please make sure to let them know and their teacher that you noticed! Also, if a group of students becomes noisy near their lockers while you are volunteering, please remind them that they need to do this quietly so you can work with learners. We know that our students are children who will bounce lively out of the classroom door and occasionally forget the hallway expectations. They are, after all, children who are working hard at learning. We also expect all children to respond respectfully to adult reminders to quiet down if needed.
Below is a snapshot of our highlights for the week ahead. Included next week, is another PIZZA NIGHT. This one is for Marco’s.
We would love to have you order Pizza on this night and pick it up at Marco’s. Be sure to tell them your child’s class name (teacher name) so that this class gets credit for the order. The class that orders the most pizza earns a free pizza party lunch. A portion of all profits of pizza’s purchase go toward our school PTC which funds books for classrooms, family events, and much much much more.
Last week, Miss Taber’s first grade class won the JET’s PIZZA NIGHT. Congratulations, first graders!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Reagan