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The January Wolf Moon

For those of you who wake before the sun rises, you have undoubtedly loved the sight of the January Wolf Moon.  According to ancient Native American lore, the Full Wolf Moon appears amid the cold and deep snows of mid-winter, while the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. January’s full moon was also known as the Old Moon or the Moon after Yule.

While driving west from Holland each morning, I have been stunned by the beauty of this moon setting in a cloudless sky, lit by the rising sun.

Below is a collage of photos I took this morning while the moon was over Georgetown.  To find out more about the history of moon naming, visit Joe Rao’s MSNBC article.

January 2012 Wolf Moon over Georgetown

Based on the weather forecast, tonight and early Wednesday morning will be your last chance to catch a glimpse at the Wolf Moon before the snow clouds start rolling in to our area.
