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Do you know someone who wants to be a millionaire?

I do!  Your job is to read the clues below and see if you can figure out who the mystery person is!
  • As a child, she loved to eat pizza AND apple pie.
  • Her favorite color is red.
  • She loves the sound of children giggling.
  • If she were to write a story about her life it would be called, “I MAY NOT HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER, BUT TOGETHER I HAVE IT ALL!”
Who is this person?  Mrs. Nurenberg, our secretary!
Visit all of our school blogs to learn about staff members.  You will be given clues to each person.  See if these clues help you to identify each staff member.   You can visit these blogs by clicking on classrooms to the left.
If you don’t see the post on the main page, type the words “mystery teacher” into the search tab.
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She Loves the Color Pink

Do you know who this is?  Do you need more clues?  Read on…

  • Not only does this mystery teacher love the color pink, she also loves the sound of cheering at athletic events.  Many of you have seen her at athletic events over the years….cheering louder than the rest of the crowd!
  • As a little girl, she loved pizza.
  • If she could learn to do something new, she would learn how to play the guitar.
  • And, if she would ever write an autobiography about herself, it would be title, FAMILY COMES FIRST.
Who is this mystery teacher?  Mrs. VandenBerg, our librarian.
Visit all of our school blogs to learn about staff members.  You will be given clues to each person.  See if these clues help you to identify each staff member.   You can visit these blogs by clicking on classrooms to the left.
If you don’t see the post on the main page, type the words “mystery teacher” into the search tab.
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Mystery Teacher Tour

There are many teachers on our staff (36) and in addition to these wonderful people, we have over 30 staff members who work together to support learning.

To help you get to know some of these people, each blog will feature a MYSTERY TEACHER.  The post will show a photo of just a portion of the mystery person along with interesting clues about this persons interests and life.  See if you can guess who each person is before you see the photo showing their smiling face and sparkling eyes!

Visit each blog by clicking on the classroom names to the left of this post. If the Mystery Teacher post is not on the main page, you can type the words “mystery teacher” into the search area and the post should pop up for you to read.

I had a very special new teacher that I wrote about.  Be sure to visit the post by clicking on:  What is your favorite sound?

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What is your favorite sound?


Georgetown is a very special place that is growing and changing all the time!  Each year, we welcome new teachers and new students.  During our before school meeting days, I met with a new teacher to our building and learned a few special things about her.   Read these clues and see if you can figure out who she might be.

  • As a child, she loved to eat pizza.
  • Her favorite color is green.
  • She loves the sound of waves.
  • If she could learn to do anything, she would learn how to drive a stick shift!   Why does she want to learn how to drive a stick shift?  Because all the cool sports cars have stick shifts.
  • If she wrote a story about herself, it would be called, “God Has a Sense of Humor.”

Who is this person?  Her name is Mrs. VanHaitsma, our new teacher for English Language Learners.

All 28 of our classroom blogs introduce you to a mystery person.  Click on any of the blogs  to the left to see if the clues and the photos help you to learn more about the staff members in our building.  Our school blog can be found by clicking on this link:  GEORGETOWN BLOG