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Milo Does Summer School

Milo and I work on training together.

While you are busy playing in the sunshine and splashing in the pool, Milo is taking classes to learn how to be a better puppy.

Each week, I take Milo to the Holland Petco to work with our trainer, James.  Milo and I have learned how to do the following together:  Sit, Shake, Down, Rollover, Come, Leave It,  and Walk on a Loose Leash.  He is doing well with all of these commands.  My personal favorite is LEAVE IT…which I use with the trash can, shoes, books (yes, he will chew on books) and other no-no objects in the house.  Click here to learn some of the hand signals and commands I use with Milo.

Milo goes to school with Murdock, a very happy black lab.   Milo has learned to not stand in the way of Murdock’s wagging tail–and so have I!

If you have learned anything new this summer, send a photo our way with a description of what you have learned and Milo and I will post this on the blog.

Here are some photos of our training sessions.