November has arrived — making itself known with a stiff breeze, gray clouds and cold temps. If your child argues with you about the necessity of hats, mittens, or any type of warm weather clothing — use me as your point person. Our playgrounds are C * O * L * D and windy. Dress warmly…and you will have more fun! Mrs. Reagan Said So.
Thank you for your time last week during parent/teacher conferences. The 15 minutes we have with the parents of each child is valuable — and we do our best to share academic and social/emotional success and highlight areas we are growing. Your support is key to your child’s success and we very much appreciate all you are doing to be your child’s best advocate.
The PTC would also like to thank you for supporting our FALL BOOK FAIR. It was extremely successful — and this was due to the volunteers and your purchasing support. Because our COIN WAR brought in over $1200, we were able to supply books for many children and teachers.
We have much to be thankful for at Georgetown…and you, the parents, are the foundation and core of our all that we do.
Mrs. Reagan