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Spring in February

It looks like we have continued mild weather — and yes, it is February not April!

We have JET’S PIZZA NIGHT on Tuesday and Popcorn Day on Friday. Both of these events are organized by our PTC — and supported by all of you, and we appreciate every activity very much.

Have a terrific week…and enjoy the sunshine while we have it!

Mrs. Reagan



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It’s 2012….and our 16th Week of School!

I hope your new year is off to a great start!   Teachers will be working together in professional development classes on January 2.  We look forward to welcoming you and your children back to the 16th week of school starting on January 3.

Our school events for the week are posted below.  The highlights of the week will be a snowy playground and popcorn day on Friday!  Please check your child’s class blog for more grade specific updates.

Happy New Year from Mrs. Reagan and the entire staff!






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BOO! It’s Week 9 of SCHOOL!

It’s rare that we begin our week in such a boo-rific way.   Many classrooms will celebrate Halloween on Monday which prepares you for an evening of trick or treating with your children.  (NOTE:  PK/K and Mrs. Bouwen’s 5th grade class celebrated Halloween last week.)

As we look ahead to Tuesday-Friday, we would appreciate a very limited supply of candy in the children’s lunches.  To help them recover from Halloween, we advocate extra sleep and limited amounts of sugar during the day.  We always advocate for healthy snacks during the school day.

This coming Friday is POPCORN DAY!   And mark your calendars for the end of Daylight Savings Time on Friday, November 6.  We will FALL BACK one hour and resume our normal amount of daylight until early April of 2012.

Here’s to a great week!

Mrs. Reagan

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PJ’s + Popcorn = Phun Phriday

Mark your calendars for JANUARY 29, 2009!  PJDAYThis will be our annual PJ, Popcorn and Phun Phriday (fun Friday).  Stuffed animals are welcome accessories to the PJ wear on this comfy, cozy school day.   This day is very popular each year–and is our most requested theme day.  Check out the photos from our 2009 PJ Day.

It is with the help of a certain 5th grader (Maddie S.) that this event has been scheduled once per year since our opening in 2006.  Maddie will be moving on to Baldwin Middle School next year and I am hopeful that she finds a suitable PJ DAY ADVOCATE to replace her!