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Giving Project Update

Thank you for the great response to our two special service projects:

  • Local Giving:  2 non-perishable food items for the Water of Life Pantry
  • Global Giving:  $2 each to fund solar lights for Nyaka School in Uganda

Our final day for the service projects is Friday, November 16.

The class that donates the most non-perishable items wins a bowling trip and PE CARES t-shirts.  So far, we have 900+ food items.

Every child who donates $2 receives a SPREAD A LITTLE LIGHT wrist band.  So far, we have raised enough money for 16 SOLAR LIGHTS!

Thank you for helping us with our MINDFUL GIVING SERVICE PROJECTS. By taking care of others, we develop empathy and understanding…and this helps us to be better members of the community and our world.

Mrs. Reagan


Spread A Little Light: Service Project for Nyaka School in Uganda
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2 Acts of Mindful Giving: Local and Global


From November 5-16, we will be engaged in a school wide service project called TWO ACTS OF MINDFUL GIVING:  LOCAL AND GLOBAL.

We would like every child to donate 2 non-perishable food items and 2 dollars toward this service project.

The donation of non-perishable items go toward our LOCAL PE CARES:

  • The Food collected will be donated to Water of Life Church which serves our community.
  • The classroom that brings in the most items will be awarded a P.E. C.A.R.E.S. t-shirt and a trip to Hudsonville bowling lanes.  NOTE: TWO is the recommended donation for each child.  You can send in MUCH more to help your child’s class win the bowling trip.
  • Thank you for your help and support in this LOCAL service project.
  • If you have any questions please feel free to email Mrs. Nienhuis ( , or Mrs. VanKoevering (

The donation of $2.00 goes toward a GLOBAL project called, SPARK: Spread A Little Light.

  • The money earned will go toward purchasing solar lights for Nyaka School in Uganda.  The teachers of this school need the lights to walk to and from school in the darkness, light their books while they teach and to light their room as they complete lesson plans each night.
  • Every student will receive a SPREAD THE LIGHT wristband as a thank you for mindful giving to this SPARK SOLAR LIGHT Project.  Each class that earns a light ($30) will put a “light up” on the hallway display.
  • Thank you for your help and support in this GLOBAL service project.  If you have any questions please feel free to email Mrs. Reagan,

To find out more about both projects, watch this short presentation.

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It has been another amazing year for our PE Cares project here at Georgetown. This year we are proud to say that we collected 2,612 food items! This is AMAZING!!!

The winning class this year was Miss Burmeister’s 5th grade class with 416 items donated! WOW…. way to go! This winning class will be treated to a trip to Hudsonville Lanes to go bowling and each student will receive a PE CARES t-shirt.

The second place class was Mrs. Jurewicz’s 4th grade class with 351 items.

Great job Georgetown!

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Mr. Gort’s Class: PE CARES WINNERS!

If you have a child in one of the fourth grade classrooms, you have been well aware of the very heated contest for PE Cares.  Students were asked to donate canned goods to stock our local food bank.   As the competition drew to a close on Friday, parents were stopping by with CASES of food for the two classes tied for 1st place:  Mr. Gort and Mrs. Jurewicz.  The PE teachers were counting and recounting the items to ensure that the results were valid—we didn’t want to risk a re-count!  Mr. Gort’s class won…but I heard whispers in the hall about Mrs. Jurewicz’s class coming in first in the next competition!  

Thank you for everyone for contributing to this worthy cause.  PE LINK