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January is ripe for…

viruses!  If your family was healthy over the holidays, CONGRATULATIONS!  If not, I am so very sorry.  I do know how horrible it can be to have sick children around the holiday season.

Please be aware that we have many different types of viruses afflicting children at school.  These range from stomach viruses (one lasting up to three weeks…ugh), to impetigo, step throat, respiratory illnesses, and nasty cases of true blue flu.  

Each time we have a sick child in the office area and health room, Mrs. Ripley and Mrs. Nurenberg sanitize the phones, chairs, and counter area.  We do this to ensure that these viruses do not spread from student to student and to the staff. 

If your child does come down with an illness, please keep him/her home for 24 hours following the end of a fever or last signs of viral symptoms.  This will help us to eliminate the spread of some of these viruses.

Thank you for your help!  Mrs. Reagan

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2009: Off and Running…

…or is that slipping and sliding?!  With this crazy weather we are having (melt, freeze, rain, slush, snow, freeze) we never know what our playground is going to look like!  Currently, we are dealing with icy patches in many different locations.  And, isn’t it curious how our children are attracted to the ice like metal to magnets?!

Please know that we are doing our very best to make the playground safe by not allowing children to play in certain areas due to the ice.  It is not possible to salt or sand all of these patches (our playground is very large–and with the wind, the salt/sand treatment often does not work.  We are hoping for an inch or two of snow to coat the ice and make it safer for everyone.

Mrs. Reagan

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Weekly Events: January 5-9, 2009

Posted below is a snapshot of the highlights for this week.  To see events beyond this week, visit our google calendar to the right.   Classroom specific events are not posted on the agenda below or the google calendar. Consult your child’s classroom blog for specific classroom events/activities.  Class blogs can be found to the right.

Mon 1/5 Day 1:  Swimming Begins for McDonald/VanArkel

Tues 1/6  Day 2:  Music Therapy:  ECSE, CI in MPR 1:30-3:00 pm

Wed 1/7  Day 3

Thurs  1/8 Day 1:  TTH Holiday Parties

Fri  1/9 Day 2:  MW PK/K;  Holiday Parties, All School;  ECSE Playworld Field Trip

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Happy New Year!

I hope you have all had a WONDERFUL and just right start to the new year.  Just like many of you, I spent the weekend putting away Christmas decorations and picking up the house.  Truly, it is hard for me to believe that another holiday season has passed by–and we are headed into 2009!  

We have five months remaining of the school year, and many events & activities ahead.  I have updated our school google calendar (on the right side of this page), so that our school and PTC events are posted.  

We will work to send out efficient updates on the blog and be careful not to bombard you with several emails about the same events.  Please be patient with us as we work to move to our reduced paper method of communication.

Here’s to a great start to the New Year!  Mrs. Reagan

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Christmas Greetings from Taiwan!


I woke this morning to find Merry Christmas wish to us from our friends in Taiwan!  Enjoy their greetings and have a wonderful Christmas with your families–both in Taiwan and Michigan!  Mrs. Reagan




I’m Alexander, or you can call me Grasscarp – yes,it’s a big fish.
’m 12 years old.  My favorite subject is SCIENCE.
ike fish.  
self intruduction?)  
’m a student in Raey-Guang.
o everyone:  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
 know everyone likes Chrismas in America, me too!
y the way,  Happy new year!
n Chinese is:shing-nien-kwai-lah

Hope you Happy everyday.

from Taiwan, Alexander




I am, jessie, a student in Raey-Guang. I always hope that it could snow here in Ping-Tung,but it could’nt become true。I hope I can visit Georgetown Elementary School too. From jessie


Well, merry christmas!!

From Brian


Hello! Georgetown Elementary School. My name is Anna. Today is Taiwan`s Merry Chirstmas. I am so happy on Chirstmas. Are you happy?

From Anna




I am, Chuck, a student in Raey-Guang. I always hope that it could snow here in Ping-Tung, but it couldn’tt become true。I hope I can visit Georgetown Elementary School too. From Chuck


Hello my name is Ginnie!
erry chirstmas!*-*
 am very Happy !



I am Johnny, a student in Raey-Guang.I am very happy and surprised.
erry Christmas



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Holiday Wishes from Australia

Hello Mrs T Reagan,
Congratulations upon your great Educational Leadership in creating your school Blog.I keep an eye on it via Edublogs Supporters and have passed the link on to some Principals here in Melbourne Australia. It is a warm day here as I write on Christmas Eve, It is going to be 27C which is 80.6 in Farenheit. I wish you a restful and wonderful holiday period.
Best Regards,
PS Please let me know if your students require Australian Pen Pals at any time.

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Snow Day!

As you wake up this morning, you will see that the snow has arrived!  School is CLOSED TODAY due to the poor road conditions and anticipation of several inches of snow throughout the day.  Holiday parties will be held on January 8 (grades K-TTH) and January 9 (grades 1-5).  Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends.  Warmly, Mrs. Reagan