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‘Twas the week before vacation…

And all through the school, the children were learning and the teachers were cool.

Having used up all my poetic ability in the copy change above, I will now get to the week’s events.  It will be a very busy week, with teachers finishing up units of study, children counting down the days until vacation, holiday parties held Thursday and Friday, and our Holiday Concert Scheduled for Thursday at 7 pm. In addition, we will wrap up our Reading Counts for the first half of this year.

If you are in the building this week, please be sure to check out the lost and found table in the rotunda.  There are snow pants, jackets, sweatshirts, and many pairs of hats–mittens–and gloves.    We would love to get our lost items matched up with their owners before vacation begins.

Here’s to a great week ahead!  Mrs. Reagan

weeks events 12/14

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A busy week ahead!

As you know, this week is going to be very busy.  Posted below is our schedule of events.   We will keep you posted on the status of our Holiday Program which we hope will be held on Thursday, December 10 at Resurrection Life Church.  As we all know more about the approaching winter storm, updates will be posted on the blog, and if necessary phone calls will go out through the school messenger service.

Remember to check your child’s classroom blogs for more specific details about the events this week and next.


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November to December: The Week Ahead

I am hopeful that you had a Thanksgiving Holiday filled with just enough turkey, relaxation and family fun!  Mine was perfect in every way–especially in the health area.  Every single member of my family (central and extended) was healthy and this is a blessing that I do not take for granted.

As I was preparing for the fourteenth week of school, I found myself thinking once again about how much I love being a part of Georgetown Elementary School.   I have had the fortune of working with people in a variety of educational settings since 1980 and have enjoyed every experience because each has raised me to be a better teacher, learner and person along the way.

Georgetown is the most exceptional place for me as a learner due to the passion, commitment and zest for learning that defines each staff member.  I have come to love this school (children, parents, staff, community) like no other.   It is my hope that you feel this from myself and the staff, and as a result hope you are growing to love Georgetown as much as I do.   I, like the staff, believe that working with your children each day is a great honor.  Thank you for trusting us with the responsibility of teaching your children.

Here’s to the week ahead!  Remember to check your child’s class blog for specific details about homework, events and celebrations.

Mrs. Reagan

blog cal

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The Week Ahead, 11/9/09

Thank you to all parents who attended Parent/Teacher Conferences last week.   We value all that you do to help us raise your child as a learner.    Report cards will arrive home early this week.  It is our hope that the marks and comments on the card reinforce all that was shared at conferences.

Our Book Fair was the most well attended and supported!  Carrie Clark-Berry has organized this event, twice per year, for the past three years.  This was her seven fair, and with the help of her team of volunteers, it was the best event yet.   The ultimate goal of the book fair is to help provide access to books for your home library collection.   The money earned at the book fair goes toward providing books in our library and classrooms.   Many, many thanks to the PTC volunteers who help make this event possible.

A snap shot of the events for our week ahead is below!  Check your child’s classroom calendar for more specific grade/class events.

Have a great week!  Mrs. Reagan


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The Week Ahead 11/2/09

Our first week in November brings sugar withdrawl, a time change and parent/teacher conferences.  Check the schedule below for details about upcoming events…as well as your child’s classroom blog.

Due to a technical difficulties, the software responsible for our report card data crashed over the weekend.  Please be patient as we all work to develop reports to share during conferences.

Teachers very much look forward to sharing your child’s progress with you at conferences.  They put a great deal of time into preparing for these…and utilizing every minute of the time available.   I will be using the intercom system to announce the start/end time, attempting to help keep teachers and parents punctual.

Have a great week!

11 2 09 agenda

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The Week Ahead: October 12

As we look ahead to our seventh week of school, you will see that MEAP tests begin this week for students in grades 3-5.  If you would like more specific details regarding the type of tests taken on each day, please read this post:  MEAP SCHEDULE

On the snapshot of our week below, you will also see that we have POPCORN day on Friday!  Thank you to everyone for your donations of money for this once a month event.  The PTC uses this money to provide popcorn to every child in the school.

Biggest event of the week:  FATHER/SON FOOTBALL GAME AT GVSU.  If you want details of this event, click on the calendar to the right or visit this older post.

Oct 12

Have a great week!

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The Week Ahead: 9/28/09

Our week ahead opens with the Walk-a-thon…our main fundraiser for PTC for this school year.    Please make sure that your child dresses appropriately for this event.

  • If you have not sent your money in for this event, please do so as soon as possible.
  • Comfortable walking shoes are a MUST and it is critical that they dress warmly if the temperatures drop on Monday and Tuesday.
  • It would also be helpful to have a water bottle, marked with their name.  The children will be walking for approximately 45 minutes.

A copy of our week’s events (including special days) is posted below.  Here’s to our final days of September and our first days of October.


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Highlights of the Week Ahead: 9/21/09

Week 9/21At the beginning of each school week, I will post a snapshot of our school google calendar which highlights events for the week ahead. Remember, this is a highlight of all school events. Check you child’s classroom blogs to find out events specific to the class or grade.

Remember, you can always view the calendar by clicking on the google cal to the right–and the link allows you to print this calendar from home.

If you use a gmail account and would like me to share this calendar with you, simply send me an email request. I would be happy to do this for you.

Here’s to a great week ahead!

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Final Week of School

It is hard to believe that we have been in school for 36 weeks!  It has been a full and productive year, with exciting events (from learning celebrations to service projects) that have created many fond memories.  I know that I do not thank you for your parent support enough.  Our school community would not be as rich in learning experiences without the involvement and support of you (through your parenting) and the parent club activities — a top notch group of parents to work with!

Throughout the summer months, I will update the blog as schedules are developed.  In addition, we will post school supply lists on teacher sites with links from this blog to the teacher blogs.

More to come later this week with highlights of our closing activities.  Below is a list of our weekly events.  There are many more events listed on the classroom blogs.

Mon 6/1  Day 3
Fifth Grade Celebration

Tues 6/2  Day 1
Field Day Grades 4/5 at Stadium

Wed 6/3  Day 2
RAIN DAY for 4/5 Field Day

Thurs 6/4 Day 3
Dismissal at 1 pm

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Weekly Events, 5-26-09

I hope everyone had a fantastic Memorial Weekend! If you stayed in the West Michigan area, we had one of the best holiday weather weekends in many years. After this cold, windy and wet spring, we deserved it.

I can’t believe that we have just four days this week, and 3 and a half days next week. The year is winding down at the speed of light. A few details to keep in mind:

1. If your child has medications at school, these must be picked up from the office no later than June 5, 2009 at 2 pm.  Medications CANNOT be sent home with children.  These must be picked up by an adult.  All medications that are left at school will be disposed of.

2.  Your child’s teacher for next year will be noted on the report card.  Report cards will be mailed home on June 8, 2009.

3.  Class lists for the 2009-10 school year will be posted on the MPR windows on June 15, 2009.  We have spent over 100 hours creating these lists using your input (profile form) and teacher input.  It is an intensive process that we take very seriously.

4.  Lockers will be emptied out during the final week of school.  We will also have lost & found items out for viewing during the final days.  Encourage your child to search for any/all items that may be missing at home and possibly at school!

5.  I will keep the blog updated throughout the summer.  Also, please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions during the summer months.

The events for this week are below.  Remember to check your child’s class blog for details about more specific classroom events.

Mrs. Reagan

Tues 5/26 Day 2
Music Therapy:  ECSE, CI in MPR 1:30-3:00 pm

Wed  5/27 Day 3
Happy Wednesday!

Thurs 5/28 Day 1
Final Day ECSE

Friday 5/29  Day 2

Upcoming Events
6/1  5th Grade Celebration
6/2  4th & 5th Field Day:  BMS (Stadium)
6/4  Final Day of School – Dismissal at 1 pm  (Lunch at School)